Dr. Roshan
das Nair works as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, and at the University of Nottingham. He has previously worked in the areas of sex, sexuality, and HIV/AIDS in Zambia and India. He is a board member of the Nottingham Sexual Health Providers forum and was the editor-in-chief of the Psychology of Sexualities Review of the British Psychological Society”s Psychology of Sexualities Section. He is also their representative on The International Network on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns and Transgender Issues in Psychology.
Dr. Catherine Butler has worked in HIV and Sexual Health her entire career, and most recently was Consultant Clinical Psychologist for Infection & Immunology at Barts & The London Hospital Trust. Her previous publications and academic interests include co-editing the book Sex, Sexuality and Therapeutic Practice, editing special editions of The Psychologist, Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, Clinical Psychology Forum and numerous book chapters and articles on the topics of minority sexualities, sexual assault, HIV, working with interpreters, and personal/professional integration
2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Roshan das Nair
Roshan das Nair & Catherine Butler: Intersectionality, Sexuality and Psychological Therapies
This book explores the diversity in lesbian, gay, and bisexual lives, with the aim of opening up therapists’ understanding of this diversity so that they can work in an ethical, supportive and non-di …
Roshan das Nair & Catherine Butler: Intersectionality, Sexuality and Psychological Therapies
This book explores the diversity in lesbian, gay, and bisexual lives, with the aim of opening up therapists’ understanding of this diversity so that they can work in an ethical, supportive and non-di …