This book presents the issues surrounding the conservation of wild
species and ecosystems used by people. It is aimed at final year
undergraduate and master’s students taking courses in conservation,
environmental management, ecological economics and related
subjects, as well as conservation professionals, including
managers, policy-makers and researchers. The structure of the book
is ideal for a course in conservation, comprising a theoretical
section written by the authors, and a set of ten contributed case
studies intentionally diverse in discipline, geographical region
and system of study. The theoretical section provides the knowledge
that is needed to understand the issues, while the case studies can
form the basis of seminars. Readers will emerge with a clear
recognition of the difficulties of limiting the harvesting of
biological resources to sustainable levels, and of the boundaries
of sustainable use as a conservation tool.
The authors, an ecologist and an anthropologist, have both
worked on the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife for
several years, including the ivory and rhino horn trades.
* The first book to examine the issues underlying the
sustainable use debate in a fully interdisciplinary manner. Both
the theoretical section and the case studies approach the issues
using methods from economics, ecology, anthropology and other
* Designed as a course textbook, combining a theoretical section
with invited case studies written by expert practitioners in the
* Outlines the new direction that conservation biology (and thus
conservation biologists) must take if it is to be successful
قائمة المحتويات
Part I: Introduction to Biological Conservation and Sustainable
Part II: Theoretical Background.
The Ecological and Economic Theory of Sustainable
Harvesting and Ecological Realities.
Decision-Making by Users of Natural Resources.
Practical Considerations when Applying the Theory.
Part III: Case Studies.
Sustainable Use as a Conservation Tool in the Forests of
South-East Asia (Kathy Mackinnon).
Will Bigleaf Mahogany Be Conserved Through Sustainable Use? (R E
Cosiguina, Nicaragua: A Case Study in Community-Based Management
of Wildlife (Vivienne Solis Rivera and Stephen R Edwards).
Sustainability of the Falkland Islands Loligo Squid
Fishery (Sophie des Clers).
Recreational Use of Coral Reefs in the Maldives and Caribbean
(Andrew R G Price, Callum M Roberts and Julie P Hawkins).
A Century of Change in the Central Luangwa Valley of Zambia
(Joel Freehling and Stuart A Marks).
The Economics of Wildlife Conservation Policy in Kenya (M
Gorilla Tourism: A Critical Look (Thomas M Butynski and Jan
Caribou and Muskox Harvesting in the Northwest Territories (Anne
Hunting of Game Mammals in the Soviet Union (Leonid M
Part IV: Making Conservation Work.
Making Conservation Work.
Glossary of Terms.
عن المؤلف
Eleanor Jane Milner-Gulland is the Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity at the University of Oxford and director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science. She is particularly known for her work on Saiga Antelope. Ruth Mace is the author of Conservation of Biological Resources, published by Wiley.