An authoritative guide to educational supervision in today’s complex environment
The Wiley Handbook of Educational Supervision offers a comprehensive resource that explores the evolution of supervision through contributions from a panel of noted experts. The text explores a wealth of topics including recent and dramatic changes in the complex context of today’s schools. This important resource:
* Describes supervision in a historical context
* Includes a review of adult learning and professional community
* Reviews new teacher preparation and comprehensive induction systems
* Contains perspectives on administrative feedback, peer coaching and collaboration
* Presents information on professional development and job-embedding learning
* Examines policy and implementation challenges in teacher evaluation
Written for researchers, policy analysts, school administrators and supervisors, The Wiley Handbook of Educational Supervision draws on concepts, theories and research from other closely related fields of study to enhance and challenge our understanding of educational supervision.
قائمة المحتويات
1. Introduction
Section I: Context
2. A Policy and Political History of Educational Supervision
3. Foundations in Adult Development and Learning: Implications for Educational Supervision
4. Theories of Professions and the Status of Teaching
5. Job-embedded Learning: How School Leaders Can Use Job-Embedded Learning as a Mechanism for School Improvement
6. Instructional Supervision in the Era of High-stakes Accountability
Section II – Intent
7. Accountability, Control, and Teachers’ Work in American Schools
8. Coming to Understand the Wicked Problem of Teacher Evaluation
9. Discretion and Trust in Professional Supervisory Practices
10. Managing Collaborative Inquiry for Continuously Better Practice: A Cross-Industry Perspective
Section III – Process
11. Observation, Feedback, and Reflection
12. Teacher Mentoring in Service of Beginning Teachers’ Learning to Teach: Critical Review of Conceptual and Empirical Literature
13. Peer Coaching in Education: From Partners to Faculties and Districts
14. From Supervision to ‘Super Vision:’ A Developmental Approach to Collaboration and Capacity Building
15. Encouraging Reflective Practice in Educational Supervision Through Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry
Section IV: Enactors of Supervision
16. National Policy/Standards: Changes in Instructional Supervision Since the Implementation of Recent Federal Legislation
17. Teacher Performance Assessments Mandated During the Duncan Era
18. Principal Supervisors and the Challenge of Principal Support and Development
19. The Principal: Building the Future Based on the Past
20. Necessity Is the Mother of Re-invention: Making Teaching Excellence the Norm through Policy and Established Clinical Practice
Section V – Outcomes
21. Improving Teacher Practice Based Knowledge: What Teachers Need to Know and How They Come to Know it
22. Shaping the School-Wide Learning Environment Through Supervisory Leadership
23. High Performing Teachers, Student Achievement, and Equity as an Outcome of Educational Supervision
24. Supervisory Identity: Cultural Shift, Critical Pedagogy, and the Crisis of Supervision
25. Conflicts, Convergence, and Wicked Problems: The Evolution of Educational Supervision