‘It is essential to understand the important role of convenient care clinics in healthcare, as the number of individuals seeking care continues to grow. This is a wonderful asset for any advanced practice clinician seeking employment in, or considering starting, a convenient care clinic.’– Doody’s Book Reviews
This is the first comprehensive guide to setting up, operating, and practicing in a convenient care clinic. The book addresses all key medical and operational considerations pertaining to running these local retail health clinics that are rapidly proliferating in pharmacies, supermarkets, airports, and other locations throughout the U.S.
The text describes the philosophy underlying retail care, its history and growth, and the parameters of its services. Pros and cons of different operational models are discussed. The book addresses the top 20 medical conditions likely to be seen in a retail clinic along with signs and symptoms, Written to educate healthcare providers and professionals entering the retail clinic market, it also serves as a text for nursing schools and programs for physicianís assistants that wish to add preparation for retail clinics and urgent care facilities to their curriculum.
Key Features:- Provides the essential information needed to establish, operate, and practice in a convenient care clinic or urgent care clinic
- Designed for courses at the NP-DNP level, PAs, clinic managers, CNOs, graduate nurse/PA educators and students
- Identifies 20 top conditions seen in retail health clinics and provides workup and treatment regimens
- Includes metrics associated with retail medicine
- Discusses philosophy of retail care and parameters of primary services
قائمة المحتويات
Foreword — Dr. James Smith, Founder of retail medicine
Author Reflection
I. Anatomy of a retail clinic
a. Description
b. Current players
c. Formats
II. History of retail clinics
III. Building and Supplying a retail clinic
IV. Understanding the consumer mind set: patient satisfaction
V. The dollars and cents of running a clinic
VI. Triage and out of scope care
VII. Quality
a. Studies of quality
b. Quality metrics to look at
c. Quality initiatives
VIII. Approach to the patient in the retail clinic with a cough
a. Approach
b. Red flags
c. Differential Diagnosis
d. Treatment
i. Rx
ii. OTC
iii. Home care
IX. Approach to the patient with a sore throat
X. Rashes
a. Common rashes and treatment
b. Rashes you cannot miss
XI. Ear Pain
XII. Dysuria and urinary complaints
XIII. Eye discharge and the painful eye
XIV. Approach to the patient with a fever
XV. Vital signs: What to do with abnormalities
XVI. Specific populations
a. Elderly
b. Pediatrics
c. Disabled
XVII. Vaccinations in the retail clinic
XVIII. The role of the collaborative physician
XIX. Partnering with the Primary care physician and the medical home
XX. Virtual strategies and expansion of scope
XXI. The future of retail care and healthcare reform
‘عن المؤلف
Tine Hansen-Turton, MGA, JD, FCCP, FAAN, is the chief strategy officer of Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC), where she develops and supports PHMC’s overall strategy and leads partnership development around new and emerging business opportunities.