Dr. Saurabh Sonwani is currently working as Assistant Professor at Department of Environmental Studies, Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi. Till now, he has eight years of research and three years of teaching experience in the field of Environmental Sciences. He has completed his M.Sc. from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. He has been awarded M.Phil. and Ph.D. from School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India & worked in the field of Atmospheric Science. He has been awarded a CSIR-JRF in the subject of Earth, Atmospheric, Planetary and Ocean Sciences and UGC-NET in Environmental Sciences. He has published several research papers, book chapters and books in highly reputed journals/publishers in the areas of Air Pollution and Environmental Health. He is currently associated with TOAR-IGAC project, USA as a member and co-author in publications. He is serving as an Associate Member of APSI, Enviro Comp Institute, USA. He is also an active member of i LEAPS community, UK from South Asia and Middle east Region working for early career scientist.
Dr. Anuradha Shukla is Chief Scientist and Advisor of Research and Development at Department of Transportation Planning and Environment Division, CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi, India. She has completed her M.Sc and M.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology and awarded Ph.D degree in Environmental Science and Engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), Delhi. Her area of expertise is Air pollution due to Road Transport. She was a recipient of Prestigious Fulbright-Nehru Environmental Leadership Program Fellowship, Visiting Fellow at the University of Birmingham, U.K, Visiting Scientist, International Scientist Exchange Programmer under Indo Hungarian S&T Program of Cooperation etc. She has also published more than 100 research papers in international and national journals of high impact factor. She is also servedas Chairperson, Solid Waste Management Sectional Committee CHD- 33, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Govt. of India, Member, Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for Projects related to Infrastructure Development, Coastal Regulation Zone, Building/Construction and Miscellaneous projects. Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India, Member, Environment protection and waste management sectional committee CHD- 32, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Govt. of India.
5 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Saurabh Sonwani
Pallavi Saxena & Vaishali Naik: Air Pollution
Air pollution has become a major global issue due to rapid industrialization, human population growth and increasing urbanization. The various sources of atmospheric pollutants, both those created by …
Pallavi Saxena & Saurabh Sonwani: Criteria Air Pollutants and their Impact on Environmental Health
Air pollution is a global hazard. Majority of the world’s population is affected by air pollution. Contamination of air is no more an only an atmospheric problem but now has become a health concern t …
Professor Vaishali (NOAA GFDL, USA) Naik & Pallavi (Assistant Professor, University of Delhi, India) Saxena: Air Pollution : Sources, Impacts and Controls
Air pollution has become a major global issue due to rapid industrialization, human population growth and increasing urbanization. The various sources of atmospheric pollutants, both those created by …
Saurabh Sonwani & Pallavi Saxena: Greenhouse Gases: Sources, Sinks and Mitigation
This book begins with a brief background on greenhouse gases sources and sinks and continues with a discussion in different sectors including forest fluxes to human health and modeling techniques to …
Saurabh Sonwani & Anuradha Shukla: Airborne Particulate Matter
This book is about airborne particulate matter, sources, chemistry and health and contained a complete information about their emission source, transport, atmospheric chemistry, distribution at local …