Is it possible to predict your financial future?
Most business owners spend more time focused on the weather forecast than the status and forecast of their business. The truth is that the weather changes very quickly and is uncontrollable, but our business forecast is much more in our control.
Do you understand where your business is today financially?
Do you know where you are headed?
What if you could see into the future of your business?
What if you had less stress, chaos, and uncertainty, and more influence over where you are going financially?
For nearly 20 years, Author and CFO, Shane Bender, has worked closely with concerned business owners and leaders who are stuck in a seemingly uncontrollable financial cycle. In his book, Forecast Your Future, he will show you how to:
• Understand where you are today in your business and why this matters.
• Determine your financial destination.
• Acquire the tools, skills, and habits needed to get to your destination as fast as possible.
• Assess and adjust your financial model to help you make quick decisions, build reliability, increase adaptability, grow profits, save time, and enhance impact.
قائمة المحتويات
Part 1: Understand Where You Are Today
The first step in a journey is to know where you are today. This concept makes sense when you are taking a trip, or you need directions to get somewhere. It is essential to know where you are before you can get to the destination. This same concept works for a business. You should know your revenue, expenses, profit, and cash flow. Before you start getting overwhelmed we will talk about how to do this in an efficient and affordable way.
Ch. 1 – Lessons From a Squirrel and a Drain Clog
Ch. 2 – Financial Mindset Matters
Ch. 3 – Overcome Fear of the Numbers
Ch. 4 – 10 Ways Businesses Act Like a Teenager
Ch. 5 – Developing an Abundance Mindset Through Life’s Changes
Ch. 6 – Common Small Business Financial Questions
Part 2: Determine Your Destination
I get how hard this can be as a business owner. We come up with ideas all the time. The revenue targets change, and we can adjust strategy quickly. We are small and nimble, but this can also be dangerous. It is best to assess a destination and focus on a goal. We will discuss how to do this while remaining flexible to changes in the industry, economy, and financial situation.
Ch. 7 – To Plan or Not to Plan
Ch. 8 – It All Starts With Revenue
Ch. 9 – How to Spend Wisely
Ch. 10 – Ways to Focus on Profits
Ch. 11 – Where is the Cash Going?
Part 3: How do I Reach Your Destination Faster
Most businesses want to get to their goal faster. I believe that if you aren’t growing, you are dying. If you aren’t learning, then you are becoming obsolete. In this section, we will discuss strategies that involve a combination of people, processes, and profits to help you get to your destination quickly.
Ch. 12: 10 Ways to Stay Disciplined
Ch. 13: Focus on Strengths
Ch. 14: Why Consistency is Powerful
Ch. 15: What Can We Do to Add Value
Ch. 16: The Keys to Productive Improvements
Ch. 17: How Focused Goals Help You Move Faster
Part 4: Assess and Adjust
No matter the size of a business, you must assess and adjust. I like the quote from former United States President Dwight Eisenhower who said, “In preparing for battle I found that plans were useless, but planning was indispensable.” In this section, we will unpack what this means. How often should you assess your business and when to adjust? How do you know when you should adjust?
Ch. 18: Keeping Score
Ch. 19: Business Development Plan
Ch. 20: Income Statement Assessment
Ch. 21: Goals Assessment
Ch. 22: The Financial Model
Ch. 23: A Useful Dashboard
Ch. 24: Ideas to Stay on Track
Ch.25: Next Steps to Growth
Appendix 1 – Mechanics of the Forecast Model
Templates to download that help anyone build a forecast model.
You can access them here:
Appendix 2 – Call to Clarity Questions
These are questions at the end of each chapter. They are designed to apply a concept from the chapter to apply to real life.
عن المؤلف
Shane Bender, CPA, serves as a CFO and financial consultant for multiple businesses and nonprofits. In January 2016, he launched Bender CFO Services Inc. to help small organizations gain the finance and accounting acumen to develop strategic growth, measurable results, and ultimately financial success. He spent over 15 years in the corporate world as a Controller, Director, VP Finance and other financial roles. He has an MBA from Baylor University. He lives in Fort Worth, Texas with his wife, Holly, and four children.