This premium color, oversized edition features stunning, high-resolution, full-page photography. Wonderful Discoveries is an educational series for children designed and developed by Robert Stanek for Wonderful World Press. Robert has always been fascinated with our natural world and the curated selections in this imprint represent the best guides to our natural world available for today’s young readers.
Books in the series are designed to meet specific early learning and school curriculum objectives. Complete with fun facts and designed with young children in mind, this book is filled with bright, colorful photography and clearly written text. Young readers will learn what types of whales there are, what whales eat, how whales breathe, how whales jump out of the water, and much more.
Written by a teacher, this beginning reader is approximately 750 words in length. Whales are amazing animals. Let your child discover whales today. Don’t miss other Wonderful Discoveries for Sharks, Sea Turtles, Dolphins, Gorillas, Dinosaurs and more.
عن المؤلف
Shannon Hale is a mother of two beautiful boys and one wonderful girl, who are the lights of her life. After being laid off a few years ago from her job as a teacher, she decided to see if she could get her books for children published. It was a long search and hard work, but she was finally able to get several of her books published. She hopes to be able to continue writing and get more of her books published.