مؤلف: Shruti Jain

Dr. Shruti Jain is Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, H.P, India and has received her Ph.D. in Biomedical Image Processing. She has a teaching experience of around 15 years. Her research interests are Soft Computing, Image and Signal Processing, Bio-inspired Computing and Computer-Aided Design of FPGA and VLSI circuits. She has published more than 07 book chapters, 60 papers in reputed journals, and 40 papers in International conferences. She has also published five books. She is a senior member of IEEE, life member and Editor in Chief of Biomedical Engineering Society of India and a member of IAENG. She has completed one externally funded project and one in the pipeline. She has guided 01 Ph.D. student and now has 06 registered students. She is a member of the Editorial Board of many reputed journals. She is also a reviewer of many journals and a member of TPC of different conferences. She was awarded by Nation Builder Award in 2018-19. Dr. Meenakshi Sood is Associate Professor in National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh, MHRD, GOI, India She is Gold medalist in her M.E (ECE) and holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Signal Processing. Her research interests are in Bio-inspired Computing, Image and Signal Processing, Antenna design, Metamaterials and Soft Computing. She has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals and 60 papers in international conference proceedings. She is a senior member of the IEEE and life member of the Institute of Engineers, Biomedical Engineering Society of India, and a member of the IAENG. She has two externally funded projects and has another one in the pipeline. She has published two books for undergraduates. Dr. Sudip Paul is currently an Assistant Professor in Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Technology, North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, India since 2012. He completed his Post doctoral research at School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Western Australia, Perth. He was one of the most precious fellowship awardee (Biotechnology Overseas Associateship for the Scientists working in North Eastern States of India: 2017-18 supported by Department of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India). Apart from this affiliation, he is also as. He received his Ph.D degree from Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi with specialization in Electrophysiology and brain signal analysis. He has many credentials in his credit out of which his First Prize in Sushruta Innovation Award 2011 sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India and also he also organized many workshops and conferences out of which most significant are the 29 th Annual meeting of the Society for Neurochemistry, India and IRBO/APRC Associate School2017. Dr. Sudip published more than 90 International journal and conference papers and also filled four patents. Recently he completed three book projects and two are ongoing as editor. Dr. Sudip is a member of different Societies and professional bodies, including APSN, ISN, IBRO, SNCI, Sf N, IEEE and many more since 2009, 2010, and 2011 onwards. He received many awards specially World federation of Neurology (WFN) traveling fellowship, Young Investigator Award, IBRO Travel Awardee and ISN Travel Awardee. Dr. Sudip also contributed his knowledge in different international journals as editorial board members. He has presented his research accomplishments in USA, Greece, France, South Africa and Australia.

18 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Shruti Jain

Aditi Jain & Shruti Jain: Today, I am Alive…
One fine afternoon love delicately knocked the door of my heart. It all started when I joined my job and met a man who had patience, was charming and compassionate, and fulfilled my desires. Love blo …
Shruti Jain & Meenakshi Sood: Advances in Computational Intelligence Techniques
This book highlights recent advances in computational intelligence for signal processing, computing, imaging, artificial intelligence, and their applications. It offers support for researchers involv …
Shruti Jain & Sudip Paul: Recent Trends in Image and Signal Processing in Computer Vision
This book highlights recent advances and emerging technologies that utilize computational intelligence in signal processing, computing, imaging science, artificial intelligence, and their application …
Nikhil Marriwala & C. C. Tripathi: Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks
The book features original papers by active researchers presented at the International Conference on Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks. It includes recent advances and upcoming technologies …
Amit Kumar Manocha & Shruti Jain: Computational Intelligence in Healthcare
Artificial intelligent systems, which offer great improvement in healthcare sector assisted by machine learning, wireless communications, data analytics, cognitive computing, and mobile computing pro …
Nikhil Marriwala & C. C Tripathi: Soft Computing for Intelligent Systems
This book presents high-quality research papers presented at the International Conference on Soft Computing for Intelligent Systems (SCIS 2020), held during 18–20 December 2020 at University Institut …
Shruti Jain & Vishal Jain: Smart Computational Intelligence in Biomedical and Health Informatics
Smart Computational Intelligence in Biomedical and Health Informatics presents state-of-the-art innovations; research, design, and implementation of methodological and algorithmic solutions to data p …
Shruti Jain & Sudip Paul: Assistive Technology Intervention in Healthcare
Assistive Technology Intervention in Healthcare focuses on various applications of intelligent techniques in biomedical engineering and health informatics. It aims to create awareness about disabilit …
Shruti Jain & Sudip Paul: Assistive Technology Intervention in Healthcare
Assistive Technology Intervention in Healthcare focuses on various applications of intelligent techniques in biomedical engineering and health informatics. It aims to create awareness about disabilit …
Shruti Jain & Ayodeji Olalekan Salau: Computational Intelligence and Data Sciences
This book presents futuristic trends in computational intelligence including algorithms as applicable to different application domains in health informatics covering bio-medical, bioinformatics, and …
Shruti Jain & Ayodeji Olalekan Salau: Computational Intelligence and Data Sciences
This book presents futuristic trends in computational intelligence including algorithms as applicable to different application domains in health informatics covering bio-medical, bioinformatics, and …
Nikhil Marriwala & C.C Tripathi: Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks
This book features selected high-quality papers from the second International Conference on Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks (MRCN 2021), held at University Institute of Engineering and Te …
N. Marriwala & C. C. Tripathi: Emergent Converging Technologies and Biomedical Systems
The book contains peer-reviewed proceedings of the International Conference on Emergent Converging Technologies and Biomedical Systems 2021. It includes papers on wireless multimedia networks, green …
Shruti Jain & Vishal Jain: Smart Computational Intelligence in Biomedical and Health Informatics
Smart Computational Intelligence in Biomedical and Health Informatics presents state-of-the-art innovations; research, design, and implementation of methodological and algorithmic solutions to data p …
Nikhil Marriwala & C.C. Tripathi: Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks
This book features selected high-quality papers from the Third International Conference on Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks (MRCN 2022), held at University Institute of Engineering and Tec …
Shruti Jain & Nikhil Marriwala: Emergent Converging Technologies and Biomedical Systems
The book contains proceedings of the International Conference on Emergent Converging Technologies and Biomedical Systems ETBS 2022. It includes papers on wireless multimedia networks, green wireless …
Shruti Jain & Nikhil Marriwala: Emergent Converging Technologies and Biomedical Systems
The book contains proceedings of the International Conference on Emergent Converging Technologies and Biomedical Systems ETBS 2023. It includes papers on wireless multimedia networks, green wireless …
Nikhil Kumar Marriwala & Sunil Dhingra: Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks
This book features selected high-quality papers from the Forth International Conference on Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks (MRCN 2023), held at University Institute of Engineering and Tec …