مؤلف: Steven P. Jones

Prof. J A Hobkirk, Dr Med HC, Ph D, BDS, FDSRCS Edin, FDSRCS Eng, CSci, MIPEM. Emeritus Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry, University College London. Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry. Mr D Gill, BSc, BDS, MSc, MOrth, FDSRCS Eng, FDS (Orth) RCS Eng. Consultant Orthodontist and Honorary Clinical Teacher. Miss J R Goodman, BDS, FDSRCS Edin, FDSRCS Eng, FRCPH, FHKCDS. Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry and Honorary Senior Lecturer. Mr S P Jones, MSc, BDS, LDS RCS Eng, FDS RCS Edin, FDS RCPS Glasg, FDSRCS Eng, MOrth RCS Eng, DOrth RCS Eng. Consultant Orthodontist and Honorary Senior Lecturer. Mr K W Hemmings, BDS, DRD RCS Edin, MRD RCS Edin, FDS RCS Eng. Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Honorary Senior Lecturer. Mr G S Bassi, M Dent Sc, BDS, LDSRCS Eng, FDS (Rest Dent) RCPS Glasg, FDSRCS Edin. Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Honorary Clinical Teacher.

7 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Steven P. Jones

John A. Hobkirk & Daljit S. Gill: Hypodontia
Hypodontia: A Team Approach to Management provides specialist clinicians with a practical reference to the multidisciplinary management of patients with this condition. The book synthesises current i …
John A. Hobkirk & Daljit S. Gill: Hypodontia
Hypodontia: A Team Approach to Management provides specialist clinicians with a practical reference to the multidisciplinary management of patients with this condition. The book synthesises current i …
Jones & Sheffield: Why Kids Love (and Hate) School
This collection consists of theoretical discussions, personal reflections, research reports, and policy suggestions sourced in the experiences of our most vulnerable students with an eye to making sc …
Jones & Sheffield: Why Kids Love (and Hate) School
Some students enter classrooms with an "I dare you try to teach me" look on their faces, and others bounce into class excited to learn and anxious to please the teacher. We know we can’t au …
Jones & Sheffield: Why Kids Love (and Hate) School
This collection consists of theoretical discussions, personal reflections, research reports, and policy suggestions sourced in the experiences of our most vulnerable students with an eye to making sc …
Jones & Sheffield: Why Kids Love (and Hate) School
Some students enter classrooms with an "I dare you try to teach me" look on their faces, and others bounce into class excited to learn and anxious to please the teacher. We know we can’t au …
Steven P Jones: Blame Teachers
There is a story going around about the public schools and the people who teach in them-a story about how awful our nation’s teachers are and why we should blame teachers for the poor state of our pu …