If you have been born again through faith in Jesus Christ, now reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to God in Christ! Learn to think about your ‘new self’ in Christ as God does.
With a pastor’s heart, Stuart C. Smith explains why the key to New Covenant sanctification is the important concept of biblical reckoning. Obedience to Paul’s command in Romans 6:11 can transform your life.
Reckoning is not something to do but something to think. So powerful is this thought that it inevitably leads to action. Learn how to overcome the power of sin by a stronger power, and the desire to sin by a stronger desire–adoration of Jesus Christ.
Bring your thinking in line with your identity. You are a new creation in Christ, a saint, an adopted child of God, and victor over Satan. Learn about the Father’s passion for you, and seek to satisfy his passion for a holy and pure bride for his Son.
Midway through the book, these principles come alive in the experience of Cody, a young man who leaves his troubled past for a new life of freedom in Christ.
عن المؤلف
Stuart C. Smith has served as a pastor, Bible teacher, and mentor. He was also associate director of a federally funded center at the University of Oregon, where his previous publications analyzed research for the nation’s school leaders. This book displays both his biblical knowledge and analytic skills. He and Christine, his wife of forty-one years, reside in Eugene, Oregon.