مؤلف: Suchittthra Shreiyaa Lakshmi Vasu

Ms Suchittthra Shreiyaa Lakshmi Vasu LLB Hons( London) LLM Monash University Melbourne Barrister at Law England and Wales Barrister and Solicitor of Australian Capital Territory and Victoria Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Singapore Ms Suchittthra Shreiyaa Lakshmi Vasu is a lawyer writer/ author/ novelist She is also an award winning writer

1 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Suchittthra Shreiyaa Lakshmi Vasu

Suchittthra Shreiyaa Lakshmi Vasu: Morning Glory Blossoms
Kajal Shreiyaa was born into a well-to-do family. Kajal is black kohl put on the eyes of women and is black in color, and Shreiyaa means beautiful and auspicious. This is the dark side and bright sid …