مؤلف: Sue Fagalde Lick

Sue Fagalde Lick, a former San Francisco Bay Area newspaper reporter and editor, is the author of the poetry chapbooks Gravel Road Ahead and The Widow at the Piano: Poems by a Distracted Catholic, the nonfiction books Stories Grandma Never Told: Portuguese Women in California, Childless by Marriage, and Love or Children: When You Can’t Have Both; and the novels Up Beaver Creek and Seal Rock Sound. When not writing, she sings and plays piano, guitar, and mandolin at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church and wherever people will listen. She lives in a coastal forest just south of Newport, Oregon.

3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Sue Fagalde Lick

Sue Fagalde Lick: Freelancing for Newspapers
Pick up the Sunday paper and consider how many stories it takes to fill all those pages. How can any newspaper staff produce so many stories every day, every week, every month of the year and keep up …
Sue Fagalde Lick: Freelancing for Newspapers : Writing for an Overlooked Market
Pick up the Sunday paper and consider how many stories it takes to fill all those pages. How can any newspaper staff produce so many stories every day, every week, every month of the year and keep up …
Sue Fagalde Lick: No Way Out of This
No Way Out of This is not the kind of Alzheimer’s memoir where you read about a noble, self-sacrificing wife who gives up everything to take care of her husband. We see such spouses in books and movi …