SYBILLE SACHS is Professor at the University of Zurich, Switzerland and Head of the Centre for Strategic Management: Stakeholder View at HWZ. She heads the research projects “Good Practices of Stakeholder View” and “ICT-Supported Stakeholder Management as an Entrepreneurial Success Factor” which are supported by different national and international academic and research institutions.
EDWIN RÜHLI is Professor Emeritus for Business Administration at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. In 1970 he founded the Institute for Research in Business Administration, which he headed until 2000. In 1994 he was guest professor at the Columbia University in New York. He has published more than 200 papers on international, strategic and stakeholder management.
ISABELLE KERN first studied English, German and History, and later Business IT. She is senior research assistant at the Centre for Strategic Management: Stakeholder View at HWZ (University of Applied Sciences for Business Administration Zurich, Switzerland), and wrote her dissertation at the University of Zurich on stakeholder and knowledge management.
9 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Sybille Sachs
Sybille Sachs & Edwin Rühli: Sustainable Success with Stakeholders
This book shows managers how they can identify their stakeholders and cooperate with them in a mutually successful and satisfying way. It includes numerous examples from case studies and internationa …
Sybille Sachs & Edwin Rühli: Strategisches Management
Die Wahl des strategischen Managementansatzes setzt die Leitplanken, in denen Führungskräfte ihre Unternehmungen zum Erfolg führen können. Welche Werte Führungskräfte verinnerlicht haben, welche Ziel …
Sybille Sachs & Edwin Rühli: Strategisches Management
Die Wahl des strategischen Managementansatzes setzt die Leitplanken, in denen Führungskräfte ihre Unternehmungen zum Erfolg führen können. Welche Werte Führungskräfte verinnerlicht haben, welche Ziel …
R. Edward Freeman & Johanna Kujala: Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases
This book offers a case-study approach to stakeholder theory that moves beyond theoretical analysis to the applied. As stakeholder theory has moved into the mainstream of management thinking in busin …
Matthias Mölleney & Sybille Sachs: Beyond Leadership
Der Ansatz von Beyond Leadership ermöglicht wirkungsvolles Führen in modernen Organisationen. Vertrauen, Respekt und Wertschätzung werden als zentrale Gestaltungselemente konkret erlebbar gemacht. In …
Matthias Mölleney & Sybille Sachs: Beyond Leadership (English Edition)
In modern organizations, traditional leadership concepts often fall short because they focus on the relationship between superiors and employees. The key differentiator for of these organizations, ho …
Sybille Sachs & Matthias Mölleney: Strategie-Hackathon
Sie suchen eine agile Herangehensweise für die Strategiegestaltung, um die vielfältigen und multidimensionalen Entwicklungen in Ihre unternehmerischen Überlegungen optimal miteinzubeziehen? Der Strat …