19 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Tamamaru
Tamamaru: My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World: Volume 5
After a successful rescue mission in the empire, Eizo welcomes Helen to the family. Life at the forge is peaceful once more, though living in the Black Forest comes with its own set of dangers. The f …
Tamamaru: My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World: Volume 6
With the rainy season quickly closing in on the Black Forest, Eizo and his family must hurry to renovate the cabin in preparation for more time spent indoors. The cold, stormy weather forces a change …
Tamamaru: My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World: Volume 7
With the empire now off their backs, Forge Eizo welcomes Anne as a permanent member of the family! Eizo offers to buy everyone gifts as rewards for their hard work, but they suggest something else—ea …
Tamamaru: My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World: Volume 8
After Marius’s wedding, the Forge Eizo family returns to a life of normalcy. The season has turned, and with a sweltering summer on the horizon, Eizo decides it’s time to construct a water well near …
Tamamaru: My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World (Manga) Volume 1
Eizo Tanya is a middle-aged, very burned-out, software engineer. One night after working late, he throws himself in front of a speeding truck to save a cat. Although the cat survives, Eizo is not so …
Tamamaru: My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World: Volume 9
Autumn is just around the corner, and it’s finally time for Forge Eizo to build a bathhouse! Blacksmithing is exhausting, sweaty work, so who wouldn’t want a natural hot spring to soothe away the ach …
Tamamaru: My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World (Manga) Volume 2
Forging weapons, customizing his cabin, and making connections in the city—though Eizo is still new to this world, his life with Samya and Rike has been filled with fresh experiences. Suddenly, like …
Tamamaru: Mein ruhiges Leben als Schmied in einer anderen Welt (Light Novel): Band 1
Das Leben des Programmierers Eizo Tanya besteht nur aus Arbeit – Überstunden sowie Dienst an Wochenenden und Feiertagen gehören zu seinem Alltag. Als er wieder einmal erst nach Mitternacht das Büro v …
Tamamaru: My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World (Manga) Volume 3
Eizo does his best to live a humble life, and the last thing he wants is to be caught up in political intrigue. But when he stumbles across a noblewoman in a precarious situation, he has no choice bu …
Tamamaru: Ma vie tranquille de forgeron dans un autre monde : Tome 1 (Francais Light Novel)
Alors qu’il rentre chez lui après des heures supplémentaires tardives, Eizo sauve un chat et se fait renverser par un camion. Le chat en question s’avère être une divinité, et pour se faire pardonner …
Tamamaru: Mein ruhiges Leben als Schmied in einer anderen Welt (Light Novel): Band 2
In seinem neuen Lebensumfeld in der Anderswelt angekommen, arbeitet Eizo daran, sich eine Arbeits- und Alltagsroutine aufzubauen. Das Tigermädchen Samya und sein Lehrling, die Zwergin Rike, sind für …
Tamamaru: My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World (Manga) Volume 4
Eizo’s back from the capital, Diana has permanently joined the family, and requests just keep piling up at the forge! First, Helen asks Eizo to sharpen her twin blades, and then Camilo commissions a …
Tamamaru: My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World: Volume 10
Winter will soon descend upon the Black Forest, and Forge Eizo must prepare. Storing food and supplies, adding stoves to the cabin, sewing winter outerwear—their to-do list just keeps growing. Then, …
Tamamaru: Ma vie tranquille de forgeron dans un autre monde : Tome 2
S’étant vu octroyer des capacités extraordinaires, Eizo décide de vivre tranquillement en tant que forgeron dans un autre monde. Un jour, il sauve Diana, la fille d’un comte, alors qu’elle se fait at …
Tamamaru: Mein ruhiges Leben als Schmied in einer anderen Welt (Light Novel): Band 3
Mit einer Ladung frisch geschmiedeter Waren auf dem Weg in die Stadt erfahren Eizo und seine drei Mitbewohnerinnen Samya, Rike und Diana von einer vorbeiziehenden Patrouille, dass sich seltsame Räube …