مؤلف: Terry Corps

Terry Corps is a British scholar of the history of the United States who has specialized in the study of Jacksonian America from the beginning of his postgraduate career. Formerly Head of American Studies at York St. John College in Britain, he continues to teach American History and American Studies at the Universities of Sheffield and Leicester.

2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Terry Corps

Terry Corps: to Z of the Jacksonian Era and Manifest Destiny
The brief period from 1829 to 1849 was one of the most important in American history. During just two decades, the American government was strengthened, the political system consolidated, and the eco …
Mark R. Cheathem & Terry Corps: Historical Dictionary of the Jacksonian Era and Manifest Destiny
The Jacksonian period under review in this dictionary served as a transition period for the United States. The growing pains of the republic’s infancy, during which time Americans learned that their …