Tales of the Carnivorous Duck is a novella about two planets. One planet is the world of cannibals, and the other is inhabited by a race of vegetarians. Elroy Bean is a vegetarian who wishes to seek peace with the flesh eaters of Humania. This is a story of fantasy horror, romance, and political corruption.
The book also contains short stories and poetry. The Rose Pearl Trilogy and The Adventures of Derek the Red are narrative poems.
The author closes the book with a tribute to three men. The tributes are done in a poetic form shadroma.
عن المؤلف
Terry Mc Dermott is an avid writer of stories and poetry, serious and humorous; a political activist; wrestling fan; and an employee of GP Paper in Crossett, Arkansas. He is a graduate of Henderson State University and Long Ridge Writers Group. Two of Mc Dermott’s stories were published in 2004 in On the Road to Unity published by Writers-United et al.