Thomas G. Grenham is a lecturer in Religious Education at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick. He was formerly Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Head of the Department of Pastoral Theology at the Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Dublin. He is the author of The Unknown God: Religious and Theological Interculturation (2005) and the editor of Pastoral Ministry for Today: “Who Do You Say That I Am?” Conference Papers 2008 (2009). Patricia Kieran is a British Foreign and Commonwealth Chevening Scholar. She currently teaches Religious Education at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, and formerly lectured in Theology at Newman College, University of Birmingham. She is co-author of Children, Catholicism and Religious Education (2005) and co-editor of Exploring Theology: Making Sense of the Catholic Tradition (2007) and Exploring Religious Education: Catholic Religious Education in an Intercultural Europe (2008).
3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Thomas Grenham
Grenham Thomas Grenham: Transformative Education in Contemporary Ireland
Grenham Thomas Grenham: Transformative Education in Contemporary Ireland