Todd Moss is the vice president for programs and a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development and former deputy assistant secretary in the Bureau of African Affairs at the US Department of State.
7 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Todd Moss
Todd Moss: The Governor”s Solution
Reliance on natural resource revenues, particularly oil, is often associated with bad governance, corruption, and poverty. Worried about the effect of oil on Alaska, Governor Jay Hammond had a simple …
Caroline Lambert & Stephanie Majerowicz: Oil to Cash
What should a country do if it suddenly discovers oil and gas? How should it spend the subsequent cash windfall? How can it protect against corruption? How can citizens truly benefit from national we …
William R. Easterly: Reinventing Foreign Aid
Top experts in the field discuss how to improve the effectiveness of foreign aid, proposing practical solutions to specific problems rather than a utopian master plan.The urgency of reducing poverty …