قائمة المحتويات
Preface – Valerie Manusov and Miles L. Patterson
Introduction: The Ubiquity and Social Meaningfulness of Nonverbal Communiction – Howard Giles and Beth A. Le Poire
قائمة المحتويات
Preface – Valerie Manusov and Miles L. Patterson
Introduction: The Ubiquity and Social Meaningfulness of Nonverbal Communiction – Howard Giles and Beth A. Le Poire
Part I: Foundations
1: An Historical Overview of Nonverbal Research – Mark L. Knapp
2: The Evolution of Theories of Interactive Behavior – Miles L. Patterson
3: Methods for the Study of Nonverbal Communication – Heather M. Gray and Nalini Ambady
4: Automatic Cognitive Processes and Nonverbal Communication – Jessica L. Lakin
5: Nonverbal Skills and Abilities – Ronald E. Riggio
6: Nonverbal and Verabl Communication: Hand Gestures and Facial Displays as Part of Language Use in Face-to-Face Dialouge – Janet Beavin Bavelas and Nichole Chovil
Part II: Factors of Influence
7: The Biological Foundations of Social Organization: The Dynamic Emergence of Social Structure Through Nonverbal Communication – Ross Buck and Stacie Renfro Powers
8: An Evolutionary Approach to Understanding Nonverbal Communicaiton – Kory Floyd
9: Personality and Nonverbal Behavior: A Complex Conundrum – Robert Gifford
10: Factoring in Age: Nonverbal Communication Across the Life Span – Roberts S. Feldman and James M. Tyler
11: Women′s and Men′s Nonverbal Communication: Similarities, Differences, Stereotypes, and Origins – Judith A. Hall
12: Culture and Nonverbal Behavior – David Matsumoto
13: Casting Nonverbal Behavior in the Media: Representations and Responses – Valerie Manusov and Adam Jaworski
Part III: Functions
14: Nonverbal Behavior in Intimate Interactions and Intimate Relationships – Peter A. Andersen, Laura K. Guerrero, and Susanne M. Jones
15: Nonverbal Expressions of Dominance and Power in Human Relationships – Judee K. Burgoon and Norah E. Dunbar
16: The Functions of Facial Expressions: What′s in a Face? – Alan J. Fridlund and James A. Russell
17: Why and How the Silent Self Speaks Volumes: Functional Approaches to Nonverbal Impression Management – Caroline F. Keating
18: Nonverbal Communication and Deception – Aldert Vrij
19: The Interaction Management Function of Nonverbal Cues: Theory and Research About Mutual Behavorial Influence in Face-to-Face Settings – Joseph N. Cappella and Darren M. Schreiber
20: Nonverbal Behavior and its Functions in the Ecosystem of Rapport – Linda Tickle-Degnen
Part IV: Contexts and Consequences
21: Nonverbal Cues in Close Relationships – Patricia Noller
22: Nonverbal Communicaiton in Instructional Contexts – James C. Mc Croskey, Virginia P. Richmond, and Linda L. Mc Croskey
23: Nonverbal Communication and Physician-Patient Interaction: Review and New Directions – Jeffrey D. Robinson
24: Nonverbal Dynamics in Computer-Mediated Communication or 🙁 and the Net 🙁 ′s with You, 🙂 and You 🙂 Alone – Joseph B. Wather
25: Nonverbal Communication, Race, and Intergroup Interaction – John F. Dovidio, Michelle Hebl, Jennifer Richeson, and J. Nicole Shelton
26: Uses and Consequences of Nonverbal Communication in the Context of Organizational Life – Martin S. Remland
Part V: Final Thoughts
Nonverbal Communication: Basic Issues and Future Prospects – Miles L. Patterson and Valerie Manusov