Dr. Pablo Abend works at the Graduate School Locating Media at the University of Siegen.
Benjamin Beil is Professor of Media Studies & Digital Culture at the Department of Media Culture & Theatre at the University of Cologne.
Vanessa Ossa is a research associate at the Collaborative Research Center 923 “Threatened Order – Societies Under Stress” at the University of Tübingen.
6 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Vanessa Ossa
Pablo Abend & Benjamin Beil: Playful Participatory Practices
The volume addresses the matter of participatory media practices as playful appropriations within current digital media culture and artistic research. The aim is to explore and trace the shifting bou …
Vanessa Ossa & David Scheu: Threat Communication and the US Order after 9/11
This volume investigates the perception of threat, with particular regard to the roles, functions, and agencies of various types of media. With a focus on the profound impact of the terrorist attacks …
Vanessa Ossa & David Scheu: Threat Communication and the US Order after 9/11
This volume investigates the perception of threat, with particular regard to the roles, functions, and agencies of various types of media. With a focus on the profound impact of the terrorist attacks …
Vanessa Ossa: The Sleeper Agent in Post-9/11 Media
This book examines the figure of the sleeper agent as part of post-9/11 political, journalistic and fictional discourse. There is a tendency to discuss the terroristic threat after 9/11 as either a f …
Vanessa Ossa & Jan-Noël Thon: Comics and Agency
This volume aims to intensify the interdisciplinary dialogue on comics and related popular multimodal forms (including manga, graphic novels, and cartoons) by focusing on the concept of medial, media …
Isabelle Hamm & Vanessa Ossa: Gaming the Metaverse
Neal Stephenson’s 1992 novel Snow Crash conceived of the Metaverse as an escapist medium within a dystopian future. By the early 2000s, his vision had evolved into a blueprint for pioneering virtual …