Gain a greater understanding of the academic, cultural, and socialexperiences of first-generation college students (FGS).Fascinating, heart-touching, and important, the research and thestories presented here enlighten what FGS often have to overcome tosuccessfully complete their degrees.
With an emphasis on improving FGS’ college success, retention, and graduation rates, this volume first covers common obstacles andthe trend of FGS continuing on for graduate degrees. Section Twodiscusses the complex interplay of social, academic, emotional, andfinancial influences on academic performance. The chapterscollectively affirm that the commitment of university resources iscritical to college success.
This is the 127th volume of the Jossey-Bass higher educationquarterly report New Directions for Teaching and Learning, which offers a comprehensive range of ideas andtechniques for improving college teaching based on the experienceof seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational andpsychological researchers.
عن المؤلف
Vickie L. Harvey and Teresa Heinz Housel are the authors of Faculty and First-Generation College Students: Bridging the Classroom Gap Together: New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 127, published by Wiley.