Everyone experiences stress, and leaders face the additional stressbrought about by the unique demands of leadership: having to makedecisions with limited information, to manage conflict, to do morewith less . . . and faster! The consequences of stress can includehealth problems and deteriorating relationships. Knowing what signsof stress to look for and having a strategy for increasing yourresources will help you manage leadership stress and be moreeffective over a long career.Table of Contents The Stress of Leadership 7Why Is Leadership Stressful? 8Stress Assessment 13When Stress Is Who, Not What 17Handling Your Leadership Stress 20Less Stress, Better Leadership 28Suggested Readings 29Background 29Key Point Summary 31
قائمة المحتويات
7 The Stress of Leadership8 Why Is Leadership Stressful?13 Stress Assessment17 When Stress Is Who, Not What20 Handling Your Leadership Stress28 Less Stress, Better Leadership29 Suggested Readings29 Background31 Key Point Summary
عن المؤلف
This series of guidebooks draws on the practical knowledge that the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) has generated, sinceits inception in 1970, through its research and educationalactivity conducted in partnership with hundreds of thousands ofmanagers and executives. Much of this knowledge is shared-in a waythat is distinct from the typical university department, professional association, or consultancy. CCL is not simply acollection of individual experts, although the individualcredentials of its staff are impressive; rather it is a community, with its members holding certain principles in common and workingtogether to understand and generate practical responses to today’sleadership and organizational challenges.The purpose of the series is to provide managers with specificadvice on how to complete a developmental task or solve aleadership challenge. In doing that, the series carries out CCL’smission to advance the understanding, practice, and development ofleadership for the benefit of society worldwide.