مؤلف: Virgil L Brady

Virgil Brady, D.D, has 40 years experieince as pastor and family counseloer. Dr. Brady is currently pastor emeritus at the First United Methodist Church in Lawrence, Kansas, where he served as senior pastor for 16 years. He and his wife, Elaine, have three married children and seven grandchildren. Other pubished books are: The Score Is Love All (Timely Tips for Strong Parent/Child Relations in Youth Sports), Believe The Believable (Faith in the Face of Diversity), Kiss and Tell (Making Love the Married Way).

1 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Virgil L Brady

Virgil L Brady: Death with Style and Grace
Thoughtful and intentional preparation is important for ensuring that an event or task in life fulfills our desires and expectations. Dr Brady invites you to prepare emotionally, intellectually and s …