Over 40 years of marriage counseling, facilitating marriage support groups and leading workshops have contributed to Dr. Bradys insights for what makes a healthy marriage.
Practical suggestions and exercises are provided for couples who have decided to be intentional about addressing the key issues of a marriage.
These include how to:
Become aware of the number one issue of marital discord
Make past experiences your friend
Use personal power for building self-esteem
Improve expressing feelings
Express anger constructively
Translate personality diff erences into something positive
Increase closeness and intimacy
Learn the art of eff ective communication
Commit to the six habits of a successful marriage
Dr. Brady reminds the reader that there are no quick fixes or easy answers to the multiple and complex issues of marriage. Rather than offering a prescription for what makes a healthy marriage, the reader is invited to enter into a process whereby couples commit themselves to KISS (Keep in Shape Systematically). Athletes who reach their full potential understand the importance of keeping in shape systematically. Your marriage will reach its full potential as you share the insights of KISS AND TELL.
عن المؤلف
Virgil and Elaine Brady have three children and live in Lawrence, Kansas. Virgil is pastor emeritus of First United Methodist Church where he served as senior pastor for 16 years. They have been married 49 years.