قائمة المحتويات
Poisson Approximations via Chen-Stein for Non-Markov Processes.- An Inequality for Oriented 2-D Percolation.- Is Critical 2D Percolation Universal?.- A New REM Conjecture.- The Biham-Middleton-Levine Traffic Model for a Single Junction.- Box-Crossings and Continuity Results for Self-Destructive Percolation in the Plane.- A Quenched Invariance Principle for Certain Ballistic Random Walks in i.i.d. Environments.- Homogenenous Multitype Fragmentations.- A Hierarchical Bayes Model for Combining Precipitation Measurements from Different Sources.- A Lower Bound on the Disconnection Time of a Discrete Cylinder.- On the Large Deviations Properties of the Weighted-Serve-the-Longest-Queue Policy.- Exponential Inequalities for Empirical Unbounded Context Trees.- Spatial Point Processes and the Projection Method.- An Improvement on Vajda’s Inequality.- Space-Time Percolation.- Computability of Percolation Thresholds.- Chip-Firing and Rotor-Routing on Directed Graphs.- Ising Model Fog Drip: The First Two Droplets.- Convergence to Fractional Brownian Motion and to the Telecom Process: the Integral Representation Approach.- Positive Recurrence of a One-Dimensional Variant of Diffusion Limited Aggregation.- Gibbsian Description of Mean-Field Models.- What is the Difference Between a Square and a Triangle?.- Long-Range Dependence in Mean and Volatility: Models, Estimation and Forecasting.- Percolation in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Spin Glass.- A Note on the Diffusivity of Finite-Range Asymmetric Exclusion Processes on ?.- On the Role of Spatial Aggregation in the Extinction of a Species.- Systems of Random Equations. A Review of Some Recent Results.