With applications in quantum field theory, elementary particle physics and general relativity, this two-volume work studies invariance of differential operators under Lie algebras, quantum groups, superalgebras including infinite-dimensional cases, Schrödinger algebras, applications to holography. This first volume covers the general aspects of Lie algebras and group theory supplemented by many concrete examples for a great variety of noncompact semisimple Lie algebras and groups.
Lie Algebras and Groups
Real Semisimple Lie Algebras
Invariant Differential Operators
Case of the Anti-de Sitter Group
Conformal Case in 4D
Kazhdan–Lusztig Polynomials, Subsingular Vectors, and Conditionally Invariant Equations
Invariant Differential Operators for Noncompact Lie Algebras Parabolically Related to Conformal Lie Algebras
Multilinear Invariant Differential Operators from New Generalized Verma Modules
Author Index
Subject Index
عن المؤلف
Vladimir Dobrev, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.