Leaves of Grass is a wonderful poetry collection written by American poet Walt Whitman. First edition of this collection was published in 1855 with twelve poems. Through out his life, he revised this composition and after four decades, it was compiled in a collection of 400 poems. In these poems he expressed philosophy of life and humanity. He has written praiseworthy poems on nature. He didn't follow rhyme and standard rules for meter and line length rather he set his own style. ...
Leaves of Grass is a wonderful poetry collection written by American poet Walt Whitman. First edition of this collection was published in 1855 with twelve poems. Through out his life, he revised this composition and after four decades, it was compiled in a collection of 400 poems. In these poems he expressed philosophy of life and humanity. He has written praiseworthy poems on nature. He didn't follow rhyme and standard rules for meter and line length rather he set his own style. He emerges as a hero in epic 'Song of Myself'. His incredible writing depicts as he has seen all the world. He has written all sorts of poems like – social, political, personal and sexual in nature. His poetic journey and self exploration are most commendable, represents his philosophy of life. He has shown an impressive comparison between fallen autumn leaves and rebirth of a new life after death. His passionate writing is delightful and pleasure giving. He expresses his deep concern for people's individuality and immortality. 'Song of the Open Road' is such a marvellous composition. In his poems as a true patriotic citizen he sings for glorious America.