مؤلف: Walter Leimgruber

Walter Leimgruber’s research interests include boundaries and transborder relations, regional development and inequality issues. He graduated and obtained his Ph D from the University of Basle, Switzerland, where he worked from 1975 to 1980. From 1982 till his retirement in 2009 he taught human geography at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He has authored and edited/co-edited 7 books. He was President of the Association of Swiss Geographers (ASG) 1987 to 1989 and Chair of the Swiss National Committee IGU 1989 to 1992. 2001 to 2004 he directed the Centre d’Etudes, de Recherche et de Documentation sur l’Afrique à Fribourg (CERDAF) He chaired the IGU Commission on Evolving Issues on Geographical Marginality in the Early 21st Century World from 2000 to 2004 and has been its secretary since.. Chang-yi David Chang is currently the Chair Professor, Environmental and Development Program, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts. He was the chair of IGU Commission on Islands (2006–2016) and serves as a member of IHDP GLOLAL Change Commission, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. His research interests include environmental resources conservation and management in marginal regions. He is a member of international editorial advisory board of Geographiska Annaler, series B. He also published the book “Environmental Struggle in Taiwan” with professor J.F. Williams at Michigan State University in 2008. He was a Professor at National Taiwan University, where he taught at the Department of Geography from 1976 to 2010. He was the President of Geographical Society of Taiwan and the chair of IGU National Committee-Taiwan from 1999 to 2003. As a volunteer worker, he has also served as the President of the Taipei Yunhe Community University, which supports adult continuing education and social reform since the year 2000.

13 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Walter Leimgruber

Walter Leimgruber & Chang-yi David Chang: Rural Areas Between Regional Needs and Global Challenges
This book provides an up-to-date account of the many processes shaping and transforming rural space in various parts of the world. The various case studies focus on the multi-functionality of the rur …
Lars Dietrich: Gotthardfantasien
Wiege der Eidgenossenschaft, militärisches Réduit, Transitort, technisches Experimentierfeld, Fiktionsmaschine: Der Gotthard setzt Fantasien frei, und zwar nicht nur im Jahr der Eröffnung des Basistu …
Christine Abbt & Johan Rochel: Migrationsland Schweiz
Die öffentliche Debatte über Migration ist heute ebenso geprägt von Ängsten und Befürchtungen wie von Idealisierung. Was fehlt, sind Perspektiven für die Zukunft – kritische Analysen und optimistisch …
Raghubir Chand & Walter Leimgruber: Globalization and Marginalization in Mountain Regions
This book looks at the global importance of mountain systems, emphasizing their ecological and socio-economic role in light of climate change and globalization. With a special focus on the Himalayas, …
Johannes Müske & Golo Föllmer: Radio und Identitätspolitiken
Das Radio erlebt in den letzten Jahren ein Comeback in den Kultur- und Geisteswissenschaften. Eine zentrale Fragestellung ist hierbei die identitäts- und kulturpolitische Nutzung von Klängen und Musi …
Heikki Jussila & Walter Leimgruber: Perceptions of Marginality
First published in 1998, this volume takes an international approach theoretical and regional perceptions and experiences of marginality along with some key case studies in Arctic North America, Gree …
Heikki Jussila & Walter Leimgruber: Perceptions of Marginality
First published in 1998, this volume takes an international approach theoretical and regional perceptions and experiences of marginality along with some key case studies in Arctic North America, Gree …
Walter Leimgruber: Between Global and Local
The definitions for ‘marginality’ and ‘marginal regions’ are vague and differ between academic disciplines. Marginal regions could however be characterized as regions lying off mainstream processes ( …
Walter Leimgruber: Between Global and Local
The definitions for ‘marginality’ and ‘marginal regions’ are vague and differ between academic disciplines. Marginal regions could however be characterized as regions lying off mainstream processes ( …
Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš & Walter Leimgruber: Globalization, Marginalization and Conflict
This book looks at marginality from a less conventional perspective by analyzing complex social, cultural, political and economic relations between the aspects of globalization and various forms of m …
Brigitta Schmidt-Lauber & Manuel Liebig: Begriffe der Gegenwart
Begriffe wie ‘Willkommenskultur’, ‘Asyl’ oder ‘Islam’ sind Bestandteil unseres täglichen Sprachgebrauchs und transportieren bestimmte Bedeutungen und Konnotationen. Was meinen darüber hinaus Ausdrück …
Pushkar K. Pradhan & Walter Leimgruber: Nature, Society, and Marginality
This book focuses on the interrelations between nature and humans, in particular on those segments of societies that have been left behind (marginal groups). Nature is both the friend of humans and t …
Christine Bischoff & Karoline Oehme-Jüngling: Methoden der Kulturanthropologie
«Methoden der Kulturanthropologie» präsentiert die wichtigsten Methoden und Forschungsansätze der Kulturanthropologie: • Wie entwickle ich ein Forschungsprojekt und eine Forschungsfrage? • Mit welche …