A practical guidebook to managing a stellar staff of
The Best Damn Management Book Ever teaches managers,
executives, and business owners how to create a staff of
self-motivated, confident, high-achieving, self-starters. Acclaimed
author of The Best Damn Sales Book Ever, Warren Greshes
draws from years of experience to offer practical,
easy-to-implement steps explained through entertaining, informative
real-life stories.
Learn to communicate more effectively with the people who report
to you. The Best Damn Management Book Ever delivers
actionable advice to hone your leadership skills.
* Install the self-starting generator in your people, enabling
them to perform at a high level whether you’re there or not
* Gain insight and determine each employee’s ‘Hot Buttons’ and
* Correctly manage the three distinct groups that comprise every
* Delegate more effectively
* Use your time as a manager, executive, and business owner more
Become the best damn leader your staff needs to achieve their
goals and blow away the competition.
قائمة المحتويات
Introduction ix
Chapter 1 Why You Need Self-Motivated People 1
Chapter 2 Key #1–People Do Things for Their
Reasons, Not Yours 17
Chapter 3 Key #2 –Communicate Great Expectations!
Chapter 4 Key #3–Don’t Accept Mediocrity: You Set
the Standards and Parameters 49
Chapter 5 Key #4–Stop Being a ‘Jump Out of the
Bushes’ Leader! 65
Chapter 6 Key #5–If You Want Them to Listen to You, Tell
Them They Did Something Right 73
Chapter 7 Key #6–Role Models Are Important: The
10/80/10 Rule 81
Chapter 8 Key #7–Help Your People Build Winning Streaks
Chapter 9 Key #8–Stop Touching Everything 105
Chapter 10 Key #9–Help People Understand the Importance
of Their Jobs 113
Index 121
عن المؤلف
WARREN GRESHES is an internationally acclaimed professional
speaker and author of The Best Damn Sales Book Ever. Known as
‘America’s Business Improvement Speaker, ‘ he is the President of
Speaking of Success. He shares the skills and goal-setting methods
that have brought him success as an executive, business owner, and
speaker. His corporate clients include Bridgestone/Firestone,
Hewlett-Packard, CNET, and Coca-Cola.
For more information and to contact the author, please visit