William C. Welch serves as Extension Landscape Specialist in the Department of Horticulture Sciences at Texas A&M. For nearly thirty years, Bill has served on the board of Texas Garden Clubs, Inc., as Landscape Design Chairman. He is a past president and current board member of the Southern Garden History Society, and Member-at-large of the Garden Club of America. He is the author of Perennial Garden Color, and co-author of The Southern Heirloom Garden and The Bountiful Flower Garden. He resides in College Station, Texas.
4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة William C. Welch
William C. Welch: Antique Roses for the South
"Belinda’s Dream", "Katy Road Pink" and "Georgetown Tea." The names alone evoke images of glorious cottage gardens and arching trellises laden with perfumed blossoms. Of …
William C. Welch: Perennial Garden Color
Gardeners in Texas and the South face their own special problems with climate and growing seasons, and they need a guide written specifically for the region in order to have the greatest chance of su …
William C. Welch & Chris Wiesinger: Bulb Hunter
Dubbed the Bulb Hunter in a 2006 New York Times feature story, Chris Wiesinger took his passion for bulbs to vacant lots, abandoned houses, cemeteries, and construction sites throughout the South in …
Greg Grant & William C. Welch: Rose Rustlers
In The Rose Rustlers, Greg Grant and William C. Welch offer a personal, in-depth, and entertaining account of some of the great stories gathered during their years as participants in one of the most …