William W. Morgan is a professor emeritus in the Department of Cell Systems and Anatomy at UT Health San Antonio, Texas. He is the author of Collector”s Guide to Crawfordsville Crinoids and Collector”s Guide to Texas Cretaceous Echinoids.
2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة William W. Morgan
William W. Morgan: Collector’s Guide to Fort Payne Crinoids and Blastoids
Collector’s Guide to Fort Payne Crinoids and Blastoids is the first comprehensive guide for identifying the fossils of echinoderms from hundreds of millions of years ago, when North America was cover …
William W. Morgan: Collector’s Guide to Fort Payne Crinoids and Blastoids
Collector’s Guide to Fort Payne Crinoids and Blastoids is the first comprehensive guide for identifying the fossils of echinoderms from hundreds of millions of years ago, when North America was cover …