مؤلف: Wojciech Zamojski

Wojciech Zamojski has been a Professor of Computer Engineering at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, and at The University of Zielona Góra, the Collegium Witelona in Legnica, and the DSW University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław. His research interests focus on the theory of system dependability, computer systems and networks, artificial intelligence and their applications, modelling and simulation of transport systems. He is the founder of an academic school of dependability of computer systems. Apart from Dep Co S Conferences, he was the main organizer of cyclic conferences Reliability and Exploitation of Computer Systems RELCOMEX and MICROCOMPUTER Schools. He is the author, co-author and editor of scientific publications (articles, books, notebooks, reports, proceedings) related to computer engineering and dependability. Jacek Mazurkiewicz is an assistant professor at Faculty of Information and Communication Technology at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST), Poland. He received MSc and Ph D degrees in Computer Science from WUST in, respectively, 1992 and 2001. He is a member Polish Neural Network Society and Polish Safety and Reliability Association. Author or co-author of over 180 papers in international journals, book chapters, and proceedings. His fields of interest include soft computing, computer architecture, wireless systems, dependability, functional analysis, and modelling of systems. Jarosław Sugier received MSc and Ph D degrees in computer science from Wrocław University of Science and Technology and is currently an assistant professor at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology. His research interests include programmable digital circuits, hardware implementation of cryptographic algorithms and modelling of human behaviour in computer simulators. He is an author or co-author of approx. 90 scientific publications and has been an editor of 20 monographs and conference proceedings. Tomasz Walkowiak is a scientist working in the field of machine learning. He is one of the leading designers of the concept and architecture of the CLARIN-PL Language Technology Centre, which is built upon parallel, distributed, and efficient text processing. It processes several millions of user requests each year. Tomasz Walkowiak consistently serves as a member of program committees and as a reviewer for Machine Learning and NLP-related international journals and scientific conferences. Additionally, he is an editor of 10 monographs and has authored or co-authored over 240 papers. Janusz Kacprzyk is a Professor of Computer Science at the Systems Research Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences, and also at The Warsaw School of Information Technology, PIAP – Industrial Institute of Automation and Measurements, and Cracow University of Technology. He has been a visiting professor at many universities in the USA, England, Italy, UK and Mexico. He is Academician (Full Member) of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Fellow of IEEE and IFSA, and Foreign Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences. His research interests include intelligent systems, soft computing, fuzzy logic, decision making, decision analysis and decision support, database querying, information retrieval, data analysis, data mining, etc. He has authored or co-authored 5 books, 50 volumes, and ca. 400 papers.

14 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Wojciech Zamojski

Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: Engineering in Dependability of Computer Systems and Networks
This book presents papers on various problems of dependability in computer systems and networks that were discussed at the 14th Dep Co S-RELCOMEX conference, in Brunów, Poland, from 1st to 5th July 2 …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: New Results in Dependability and Computer Systems
Dep Co S – RELCOMEX is an annual series of conferences organized by the Institute of Computer Engineering, Control and Robotics (CECR), Wrocław University of Technology, since 2006. Its idea came fro …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Dependability and Complex Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX. June 30 – July 4, 2014, Brunów, Poland
Dep Co S – RELCOMEX is an annual series of conferences organized by Wrocław University of Technology to promote a comprehensive approach to evaluation of system performability which is now commonly c …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jarosław Sugier: Dependability Problems of Complex Information Systems
This monograph presents original research results on selected problems of dependability in contemporary Complex Information Systems (CIS). The ten chapters are concentrated around the following three …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: Theory and Engineering of Complex Systems and Dependability
Building upon a long tradition of scientifi c conferences dealing with problems of reliability in technical systems, in 2006 Department of Computer Engineering at Wrocław University of Technology est …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: Dependability Engineering and Complex Systems
These proceedings present the results of the Eleventh International Conference on Dependability and Complex Systems Dep Co S-RELCOMEX which took place in a picturesque Brunów Palace in Poland from 27 …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: Advances in Dependability Engineering of Complex Systems
This book gathers the proceedings of the 2017 Dep Co S-RELCOMEX, an annual conference series that has been organized by the Department of Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Electronics, Wrocław U …
Wojciech Zamojski & Janusz Kacprzyk: Dependable Computer Systems
Dependability analysis is the recent approach to performance evaluation of contemporary systems which tries to cope with new challenges that are brought with their unprecedented complexity, size and …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: Complex Systems and Dependability
Typical contemporary complex system is a multifaceted amalgamation of technical, information, organization, software and human (users, administrators and management) resources. Complexity of such a s …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: Theory and Applications of Dependable Computer Systems
This book presents selected papers from the Fifteenth International Conference on Dependability of Computer Systems (Dep Co S-RELCOMEX), which illustrate the diversity of theoretical problems in anal …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: Theory and Engineering of Dependable Computer Systems and Networks
This book contains papers on selected aspects of dependability analysis in computer systems and networks, which were chosen for discussion during the 16th Dep Co S-RELCOMEX conference held in Wrocław …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: New Advances in Dependability of Networks and Systems
The book consists of papers on selected topics of dependability analysis in computer systems and networks which were discussed during the 17th Dep Co S-RELCOMEX conference held in Wrocław, Poland, fr …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: Dependable Computer Systems and Networks
The book includes papers about various problems of dependable operation of computer systems and networks,  which were presented during the 18th Dep Co S-RELCOMEX conference. Their coll …
Wojciech Zamojski & Jacek Mazurkiewicz: System Dependability – Theory and Applications
This book presents a selection of papers about problems which arise in dependability studies of contemporary computer systems and networks. Their collection should be an interesting and inspiring sou …