Yanick Lahens was born in Port-au-Prince in 1953. After attending school and university in France, she returned to Haiti, where she taught literature at the university in Port-au-Prince and worked for the Ministry of Culture. Her first novel was published in 2000, and she won the prestigious Prix Femina in 2014 and a French Voices Award in 2015 for Moonbath. An English translation of Moonbath (tr. Emily Gogolak) was published by Deep Vellum in 2017.
Kaiama L. Glover is a writer, translator, and Ann Whitney Olin Professor of French and Africana Studies at Barnard College, as well as founding co-editor of archipelagos. She is the translator of Ready to Burst by Frankétienne (Archipelago, 2014), Dance on the Volcano by Marie Vieux Chauvet (Archipelago, 2017) and Hadriana in All My Dreams by René Depestre (Akashic Books, 2017).
6 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Yanick Lahens
Yanick Lahens: The Colour of Dawn
Port au Prince, Haiti. The police roam the streets and no-one is safe. Fignolé, musician and political radical is missing. His sisters Joyeuse and Angelique search for their young brother amid the co …
Yanick Lahens: Moonbath
The award-winning saga of a peasant family living in a small Haitian village, told through four generations of voices, recounting through stories of tradition and superstition, voodoo and the new god …
Bloncourt Gerald Bloncourt: Un homme peau noire peau rouge, un homme de toutes les saisons
Gérald Bloncourt reprend la chronique des événements de 1946, ces moments intenses qui ont marqué sa vie. Il y porte un regard nostalgique et tendre. Ses amis de l’époque sont devenus des personnages …
Edwidge Danticat: Haiti Noir
“A wide-ranging collection from the beloved but besieged Caribbean island, ” from a lineup of authors including two National Book Award finalists (Kirkus Reviews). “The Haiti …
Yanick Lahens: Sweet Undoings
Yanick Lahens leads us into a breathless intrigue with her newest portrait of Haiti, Sweet Undoings. In Port-au-Prince, violence never consumes. It finds its counterpart in a ‘high-pitched swee …
Yanick Lahens: A Cor do Amanhecer
Angélique levanta-se primeiro todas as manhãs, na casinha nos arredores de Porto Príncipe que divide com a mãe, a irmã Joyeuse e o irmão mais novo Fignolé. Numa madrugada cinzenta de fevereiro, a pre …