Wireless sensor networks are being employed in a variety applications ra- ing from medical to military, and from home to industry. The principle aim of this book is to provide a reference tool for the increasing number of scientists who depend upon sensor networks in some way. The book is organized into several sections, each including chapters exploring a speci?c topic. Wireless sensor networks are attracting great attention and there are many research topics yet to be studied. In this book, the topics covered include n- work design and modelling, network management, data management, security and applications. The articles presented in the book are expository, but of a scholarly nature, including the appropriate history background, a review of the state-of-the-art thinking relative to the topic, as well as a discussion of unsolved problems that are of special interest. The target readers of this book include the researchers in computer s- ence, computer engineering, and applied mathematics, as well as students in these subjects. Specialists as well as general readers will ?nd the articles st- ulating and helpful. Book Organization The book is organized into ?ve sections. Section I introduces the design and modelling of sensor networks. Chapter 1, by Iyer, Kulkarni, Mhatre, and Rosenberg, presents a taxonomy of wireless sensor networks, based on their application level objectives, tra–c characteristics and data delivery requi- ments. Popa and Lewis in Chapter 2 describe some algorithms for systematic exploration of unknown environments using a mobile wireless sensor network.
قائمة المحتويات
Network Design and Network Modelling.- A Taxonomy-based Approach to Design of Large-scale Sensor Networks.- Algorithms for Robotic Deployment of WSN in Adaptive Sampling Applications.- A Scalable Graph Model and Coordination Algorithms for Mobile Sensor Networks.- Network Management.- Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks.- Topology Control for Wireless Sensor Networks.- Boundary Detection for Sensor Networks.- TPSS: A Time-based Positioning Scheme for Sensor Networks with Short Range Beacons.- Wakeup Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks.- Time-Synchronization Challenges and Techniques.- Location Service, Information Dissemination and Object Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks by Using Quorum Methods.- Maximizing the Lifetime of an Always-On Wireless Sensor Network Application: A Case Study.- Data Management.- Data Management in Sensor Networks.- Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks.- Performance Comparison of Clustering Schemes in Sensor Networks.- Reliable and Efficient Information Forwarding and Traffic Engineering in Wireless Sensor Networks.- Modeling Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks.- Security.- A Survey on Sensor Network Security.- A Passive Approach to Unauthorized Sensor Node Identification.