مؤلف: Yuntian T. Zhu

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is a member-driven international professional society dedicated to fostering the exchange of learning and ideas across the entire range of materials science and engineering, from minerals processing and primary metals production, to basic research and the advanced applications of materials. Included among its nearly 13, 000 professional and student members are metallurgical and materials engineers, scientists, researchers, educators, and administrators from more than 70 countries on six continents.

2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Yuntian T. Zhu

Yuntian T. Zhu & Viktor Varyukhin: Nanostructured Materials by High-Pressure Severe Plastic Deformation
Recently, it was reported that nanostructured materials processed under high pressure by HPT and ECAP have an extraordinary combination of both high strength and high ductility, which are two desirab …
Indrajit Charit & Yuntian T. Zhu: Mechanical and Creep Behavior of Advanced Materials
This collection commemorates the occasion of the honorary symposium that celebrated the 75th birthday and lifelong contributions of Professor K.L. Murty. The topics cover the present status and …