This book is compiled based on a series of online live broadcasts with the theme of the Heart Sutra as interpreted by the Teacher Zhi Xin. The Heart Sutra, also known as the Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra, has only 260 words to express the most profound meanings in the simplest way, is the core of the 600-volume Daihannya. As the heart is to a person, so it is the core of the message from Buddha. Prajna Paramita is the most perfect and fundamental wisdom. It contains everything and is the general principle of all Buddhist practice!
This book shares with us teacher Zhi Xin’s ideas of how to use this prajna wisdom to break through the barriers in our life to recognize and find our true self! How to get rid of all illusions, let all pains and troubles resolve themselves, and then let goodness be born from emptiness with amazing effect! How to get rid of overwhelming ego and dharma-graha, think outside of all relativity and right and wrong, and not be restricted or affected by any concept, so as to achieve the most fundamental liberation!
This book provides an important methodology on how to enable the witness prajna through the literal prajna. It is only with the help of the witness prajna that the literal prajna can really work to the fullest extent and ultimately lead to the Prajna of Reality, to the breaking down of the mystery and to enlightenment!
In his book, Teacher Zhi Xin provides an in-depth analysis of the barriers of five skandhas of our physical body: form, feeling, thinking, formation, and consciousness; and the barriers of seven-layered structure: the physical body, physical body-driven consciousness, sixth or acquired consciousness, mind consciousness, soul or manas consciousness, super spiritual body, and alaya consciousness. Only after understanding the structure of this life, the composition of consciousness, does the true knowledge of life begin.
قائمة المحتويات
目 錄
第一講 透過般若智慧認出我們的真我
第一節 一切修行最為關鍵的核心是什麼
第二節 要明白真正的我是誰
第三節 一切就看你用什麼心
第四節 瞭解人體的五蘊和七重廟是認識生命的開始
第五節 生命最開始的迷是如何產生的
第六節 是什麼讓我們脫離了大自在的妙用
第七節 演化大千世界的背後真相是什麼
第八節 什麼才是真皈依
第二講 與真如自性脫離是一切痛苦的緣起
第一節 如何掌握這個空和有之間的奧秘
第二節 大腦意識的真相原來如此
第三節 我們如何才能真正離苦得樂
第四節 一切就看靈魂啟用什麼
第五節 如何才能玩得起又放得下
第六節 五福臨門原來蘊含了這樣的奧秘
第七節 從一個字洞見宇宙和生命之運作真相
第八節 究竟什麼才是我們真正值得信賴的
第九節 人生八苦是如何產生的
第三講 要在觀照般若的狀態下即空即有
第一節 學經典的真正目的是什麼
第二節 一旦修行被儀式化
第三節 如何進行能量調頻
第四節 如何修心性
第五節 何謂空有不二大受用
第六節 如何把握一心三觀
第七節 如何不留痕跡自在受用
第八節 如何掌握能量提升的奧秘
第九節 丹田到底隱藏了什麼奧秘
第四講 真正掌握能量轉化提升的大學問
第一節 如何讓此生了無遺憾而跳脫輪回
第二節 能量給我們帶來大受用的奧秘是什麼
第三節 快樂的源泉到底來自哪里
第四節 什麼才是圓滿的能量之旅
第五節 如何就在自己的身上達到極樂
第六節 修行最關鍵的用心處在哪里
第七節 什麼才是真正的接引眾生
第八節 人衝動背後的運作真相是什麼
عن المؤلف
Teacher Zhi Xin is a poet, writer, thinker, artist, and mind vision expert. He was born in Sichuan and has experienced many adventures since childhood, which led to the subversion of his three contemplations in outlook on life, values, and world view, and then prompted him to begin to explore the truth of life and the mystery of the great Dao. Later, a Daoist master came unexpectedly to enlighten him carefully for years. After that, due to a special karmic relationship, he began to study Buddha Law. So far, he has been immerging himself in all kinds of special and superior cognition for more than 20 years, enabling himself to finally realize the perfect reality of life and universe. His achievements are beyond description. Now he even uses his multiple identities and roles to interpret the great freedom of his life.As he deepens his spiritual practice, he becomes even more understanding, more modest, and more compassionate. He sets up the Jiuhe Jiufu Education to systematically develop the nine-order system for advanced courses in which are included nine sectors: individual, family, community, enterprise, school, government, nationality, religion and life. It is his sincere hope to help mankind return to the right path early and realize the world of harmony.Starting from the objective reality and the origin of life and standing on the perspective of the universe and the dharma to make life perfect, teacher Zhi Xin has proposed the Nine New Learning Thoughts on Perfect Harmony, hoping to completely resolve the five major contradictions, including the physical and mental status in individuals, family relations, different cultures among peoples, different governance concepts in countries, and different religions and beliefs.He is the author of the book ‘Playing a Happy Life with Great Freedom’, which is now available in simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese and English on all major platforms worldwide.