Syria’s massive displacement (from 2012 onwards) is one of the largest, most complex and intractable humanitarian emergencies of today. More than 5.7 million Syrian refugees live mainly in cities and urban areas throughout the Middle East. Urban Displacement examines multiple dimensions of this crisis from political and socioeconomic predicaments to questions of social belonging, the complexity of the international, regional and national responses and how they affect urban spaces. The volume brings together experts in the field of forced migration studies and displacement in the Middle East and presents a range of in-depth ethnographic data, cross-sectional surveys and policy analyses.
Table of Content
List of Illustrations
Part I: Settling in Cities
Chapter 1. Syrian Self-Settlement in Lebanon’s ‘Arrival Cities’: Refugee Livelihoods in Tripoli, Beirut, and Tyre
Robert Forster and Are John Knudsen
Chapter 2. At the Intersection of Economic and Family Networks: Female Syrian Refugees from Homs in Mafraq, Jordan
Sarah Tobin
Chapter 3. ‘Here, I’m a Syrian in Erbil’: Identities and Livelihoods of the Syrian refugees in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Wirya, Khogir, Fuad Smail and Tine Gade
Chapter 4. Aspiring Cosmopolitans: Syrian Youth in Urban Turkey
Rebecca Bryant and Dunya Habash
Part II: Refugee Urbanism and Urban Policies
Chapter 5. The (Re-)Making of a Palestinian Ghetto:’Commercial Buildings’ and Syrian settlement in the Beddawi Refugee Camp
Ismae’l Sheikh Hassan
Chapter 6. ‘Give Them Shelter’: An Investigation of the Occupancy Free of Charge Refugee Response in Lebanon
Watfa Najdi, Mona Fawaz and Nasser Yassin
Chapter 7. Syrian Refugees in Urban Turkey: Between Migration Policies and Realities
İçduygu, Ahmet and Souad Osseiran
Chapter 8. Refugees and the Urban Fabric: Palestinian and Syrian Settlement Patterns in Jordan
Doraï, Kamel
Part III: Global Policy Approaches
Chapter 9. Refuge in Syria: Where Duty Outweighs Human Rights Based Approaches
Dawn Chatty
Chapter 10. The Syrian Emergency and its Impact on the Evolution of Global Refugee Policy
Jeff Crisp
Chapter 11. Strategic Caution and Tactical Innovation: UNHCR Responses to Changing Patterns of Displacement
Astri Suhrke
Chapter 12. Global Frameworks for Urban (Displacement) Response
Lien, Ida Z. and Synne Bergby
About the author
Sarah A. Tobin is Research Professor at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) and author of Everyday Piety: Islam and Economy in Jordan (Cornell UP, 2016).