Author: Arietta Slade

Arietta Slade, Ph.D., is Clinical Professor at the Yale Child Study Center, and Professor Emerita, Clinical Psychology, The City University of New York.  A theoretician, clinician, teacher, and researcher, she has written about the development of parental reflective functioning, the implications of attachment for child and adult psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and for infant mental health practice. She is one of the founders and co-directors of Minding the Baby®, an interdisciplinary reflective home visiting program for high-risk mothers, infants, and their families, at the Yale Child Study Center and School of Nursing.  Dr. Slade is editor, with Jeremy Holmes, of the six volume set, Major Work on Attachment (SAGE Publications, 2013), with Elliot Jurist and Sharone Bergner, of Mind to Mind: Infant Research, Neuroscience, and Psychoanalysis (Other Press, 2008), and with Dennie Wolf, of Children at Play (Oxford University Press, 1994).  She has also been in private practice for over thirty-five years, working with individuals of all ages.

6 Ebooks by Arietta Slade

Jeremy Holmes & Arietta Slade: Attachment in Therapeutic Practice
This is a concise, accessible introduction to the basic principles of attachment theory, and their application to therapeutic practice. Bringing together 70 years’ of theory and research, i …
Jeremy Holmes & Arietta Slade: Attachment in Therapeutic Practice
This is a concise, accessible introduction to the basic principles of attachment theory, and their application to therapeutic practice. Bringing together 70 years’ of theory and research, i …
Arietta Slade & Dennie Palmer Wolf: Children at Play
As they play, children do more than imagine–they also invent life-long approaches to thinking, feeling, and relating to other people. For nearly a century, clinical psychologists have been concerned …
Arietta Slade: Enhancing Attachment and Reflective Parenting in Clinical Practice
How can clinicians help vulnerable young families overcome barriers to secure, reciprocal, and joyful parent–infant relationships? This book provides a flexible framework for promoting reflective par …
Arietta Slade: Enhancing Attachment and Reflective Parenting in Clinical Practice
How can clinicians help vulnerable young families overcome barriers to secure, reciprocal, and joyful parentinfant relationships? This book provides a flexible framework for promoting reflective pare …
Arietta Slade: Enhancing Attachment and Reflective Parenting in Clinical Practice
How can clinicians help vulnerable young families overcome barriers to secure, reciprocal, and joyful parentinfant relationships? This book provides a flexible framework for promoting reflective pare …