Margaret J. Barr is professor emeritus in the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University. Shereceived the Distinguished Achievement Award from the NASPAFoundation in 2012 and is the author of Budgets and Financial Management in Higher Education with George S. Mc Clellan and Critical Issues for Student Affairs with Arthur Sandeen.
George S. Mc Clellan is the vice chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne. Mc Clellan is theeditor of The Handbook for College Athletics and Recreation Management with Chris King and Donald L. Rockey, Jr. and The Handbook for Student Affairs Administration, Third Edition, with Jeremy Stringer. He writes a column in The Chronicle of Higher Education on career issues in student affairs.
Arthur Sandeen is a professor of educational leadershipat the University of Florida. He received the John L. Blackburn Distinguished Service Award from the NASPA Foundation in 2014 andis the author of Enhancing Leadership in Colleges and Universities, Enhancing Student Engagement on Campus, and Improving Leadership in Student Affairs Administration.
3 Ebooks by Arthur Sandeen
Margaret J. Barr & George S. McClellan: Making Change Happen in Student Affairs
Change is inevitable. Managing change is a choice. Authored by three esteemed leaders in the field of student affairs, Making Change Happen in Student Affairs: Challenges and Strategies for Professio …
Margaret J. Barr & George S. McClellan: Making Change Happen in Student Affairs
Change is inevitable. Managing change is a choice. Authored by three esteemed leaders in the field of student affairs, Making Change Happen in Student Affairs: Challenges and Strategies for Professio …
Arthur Sandeen & Margaret J. Barr: Critical Issues for Student Affairs
Student affairs is now part of the management and administrative structure of almost every college and university in the United States. Professional staff working under the banner of student affairs …