Indian philosophy bases itself on three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. Deep sleep, or susupti, plays an important role in Advaita Vedanta, the major philosophical school that advocates a doctrine of pure consciousness. Explaining and savoring this paradox, this book shows how the concept of deep sleep can be used in Advaita Vedanta to reveal a philosophical insight, validate an argument, illustrate a moral, or adorn a tale. Arvind Sharma explores why sleep is a phenomenon that philosophers should be interested in and examines it in classical Hindu religious texts, including the Upanisads, and in foundational, early, and modern Advaita Vedanta.
Table of Content
1. Sleep in Advaita Vedanta: A Prologue
2. Sleep in the Prasthanatraya
(Upanisads, Brahmasutra, Bhagavadgita)
3. Sleep in Mandukyakarika
4. Sleep in Sankara Advaita
5. Sleep in Later Advaita
6. Sleep in Modern Advaita
Term Index
Subject Index
About the author
Arvind Sharma is Birks Professor of Comparative Religion at Mc Gill University. His many books include
Methodology in Religious Studies: The Interface with Women’s Studies, also published by SUNY Press, and
The Study of Hinduism.