Athanasia Karakitsiou is an Associate Professor at the Department of Business Administration of the International Hellenic University, Greece. She holds a Ph D in supply chain optimization from the Department of Production Engineering of the Technical University of Crete, Greece. Shee has published in the field of Operations Research and Optimization in international journals such as Annals of Operational Research, Operational Research and others. She has written and edited three books. Her current research interest is focused on the use of optimization methods to problems in logistics and supply chain management.
Athanasios Migdalas is professor in Industrial Logistics at the University of Technology, Sweden, Department of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering, Quality Technology and Logistics. He has published in the field of Operations Research and Optimization in journals such as Journal of Global Optimization, Mathematical Programming, European Journal of Operational Research, Computational Optimization and Applications, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization , Operational Research, Parallel Computing, Energy Systems, Applied Soft Computing and others. His current research interest is focused on the use of combinatorial optimization methods and nature inspired algorithms to problems in logistics and supply chain management. He has written and edited more than ten books and is currently in the editorial board of four journal in the field. He has previously served at several universities in Denmark, Sweden and Greece.
Panos Pardalos is an Emeritus Distinguished Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Florida, and an affiliated faculty of Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science & Information & Engineering departments. He is a world-renowned leader in Global Optimization, Mathematical Modeling, Energy Systems, Financial applications, and Data Sciences. He is a Fellow of AAAS, AAIA, AIMBE, EUROPT, and INFORMS and was awarded the 2013 Constantin Caratheodory Prize of the International Society of Global Optimization. In addition, Panos Pardalos has been awarded the 2013 EURO Gold Medal prize bestowed by the Association for European Operational Research Societies. Panos Pardalos has been awarded a prestigious Humboldt Research Award (2018-2019). Panos Pardalos is also a Member of several Academies of Sciences, and he holds several honorary Ph D degrees and affiliations. He is the Founding Editor of Optimization Letters, Energy Systems, and Co-Founder of the International Journal of Global Optimization, Computational Management Science, and Springer Nature Operations Research Forum. He has published over 600 journal papers, and edited/authored over 200 books. He is one of the most cited authors and has graduated 71 Ph D students so far.
7 Ebooks by Athanasios Migdalas
Athanasios Migdalas & Angelo Sifaleras: Optimization Theory, Decision Making, and Operations Research Applications
These proceedings consist of 30 selected research papers based on results presented at the 10th Balkan Conference & 1st International Symposium on Operational Research (BALCOR 2011) held in Thessalon …
Athanasios Migdalas & Athanasia Karakitsiou: Optimization, Control, and Applications in the Information Age
Recent developments in theory, algorithms, and applications in optimization and control are discussed in this proceedings, based on selected talks from the ‘Optimization Control and Applications in t …
Athanasia Karakitsiou & Athanasios Migdalas: City Networks
Sustainable development within urban and rural areas, transportation systems, logistics, supply chain management, urban health, social services, and architectural design are taken into consideration …
Panos M. Pardalos & Athanasios Migdalas: Open Problems in Optimization and Data Analysis
Computational and theoretical open problems in optimization, computational geometry, data science, logistics, statistics, supply chain modeling, and data analysis are examined in this book. Eac …
Panos M Pardalos & Athanasios Migdalas: SUPPLY CHAIN & FINANCE (V2)
This book describes recently developed mathematical models, methodologies, and case studies in diverse areas, including stock market analysis, portfolio optimization, classification techniques in eco …
Rainer E Burkard & Athanasios Migdalas: COMBINATORIAL & GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION(V14)
Combinatorial and global optimization problems appear in a wide range of applications in operations research, engineering, biological science, and computer science. In combinatorial optimization and …
Athanasia Karakitsiou & Athanasios Migdalas: Disruptive Technologies and Optimization Towards Industry 4.0 Logistics
This contributed volume guides researchers and practitioners on resource collaborative management of supply chains and manufacturing enterprises within an industrial internet technological environmen …