Author: Azim Eskandarian

Professor Azim Eskandarian has spent over 12 years directing a centre, which focuses on intelligent vehicles and transportation systems,  at The George Washington University. In 2008 he was elected to the Board of Governors of the IEEE ITS society. He is also an associate editor and editorial board member of five journals, including the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions and the International Journal of Automotive Technology.  

2 Ebooks by Azim Eskandarian

Azim Eskandarian: Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles / Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles
The Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles provides a complete coverage of the fundamentals, new technologies, and sub-areas essential to the development of intelligent vehicles; it also includes advances …
Youping Chen & Azim Eskandarian: Meshless Methods in Solid Mechanics
Finiteelementmethodhasbeenthedominanttechniqueincomputationalmech- icsinthepastdecades, andithasmadesigni?cantcontributionstothedevelopments in engineering and science. Nevertheless, FEM is not well …