Author: Aziz Esmail

Dr Aziz Esmail is a governor of the Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, where he was the Dean from 1988C98. He has held teaching and research positions at various American universities, and has been associated with Harvard University AZs Centre for the Study of World Religions and Graduate School of Education. In addition to many articles, his writings include The Poetics of Religious Experience: The Islamic Context and A Scent of Sandalwood: Indo-Ismaili Religious Lyrics. Dr Abdou Filali-Ansary was the founding Director of the Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations in London from 2002C9 and of the King Abdul-Aziz Foundation for Islamic Studies and Human Sciences in Casablanca, Morocco, from 1984C2001. Prior to this, he served as Secretary-General of the Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco, teaching Modern Philosophy. He has written extensively on Islam and modernity, democratization and civil society in the Muslim World, and on trends of thought in contemporary Muslim contexts.

3 Ebooks by Aziz Esmail

Aziz Esmail & Abdou Filali-Ansary: The Construction of Belief
Mohammed Arkoun was one of the most prominent and influential Arab intellectuals of his day. During a career spanning more than thirty years, he was revered as an outstanding research scholar, a bold …
Aziz Esmail: Scent of Sandalwood
The Ginans are religious lyrics which have long been a central part of the religious life of the Indian Mizari Ismaili community (known as Khojas), and continue to form their living poetic tradition. …
Aziz Esmail: Scent of Sandalwood
The Ginans are religious lyrics which have long been a central part of the religious life of the Indian Mizari Ismaili community (known as Khojas), and continue to form their living poetic tradition. …