"A Nine Days’ Wonder" by Anthony Hope is a lively adventure novel that combines romance, mistaken identity, and political intrigue with a touch of comedy. The story revolves around a case of mistaken identity that sets off a series of dramatic and comedic events. The plot centers on a young man who is unexpectedly thrust into the world of political intrigue and conspiracy, when, he is mistaken for someone else. This mix-up leads him into a series of adventurous escapades filled with deception and social class conflicts. As he navigates through these challenges, he becomes entangled in a political conspiracy that threatens to upend the social order. The romance element adds an additional layer of tension and charm to the narrative, as the protagonist’s relationships become complicated by the ongoing intrigue and mistaken identity. The story’s dramatic tension is fueled by the continuous interplay between comedy and suspense, keeping readers engaged as the protagonist uncovers layers of deception and navigates the complexities of his new circumstances. Overall, "A Nine Days’ Wonder" is a fast-paced, entertaining novel that skillfully blends adventure, romance, and political drama, offering a captivating read with a mix of humor and intrigue.
B. M Croker
Nine Days’ Wonder [EPUB ebook]
Nine Days’ Wonder [EPUB ebook]
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Format EPUB ● Pages 226 ● ISBN 9789364284769 ● Publisher Double 9 Books ● Published 2024 ● Downloadable 3 times ● Currency EUR ● ID 9974792 ● Copy protection Adobe DRM
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