Author: Barbie Thomas

Barbie Thomas wrote this book because she has a special place in her heart for children, especially those with special needs. She also happens to be the mother of two awesome young men, a motivational speaker, and fitness competitor. Something unique about Barbie is that she has no arms! She lost her arms when she was two and a half years old in an electrical accident. She has since learned to overcome life’s challenges and be victorious! She uses her feet for everything! Her feet are her hands! In fact, there’s isn’t much she can’t do with those feet of hers! Her motto is “Can’t is not an option!” She is a very positive woman who inspires and motivates others everywhere she goes. She has a strong faith in Jesus Christ, and his light shines brightly through her. You will almost never see her without a smile on her face, and why not? To learn more about Barbie Thomas, book her for speaking or book readings and signings, please visit her web site at www.Fitness “I can do ALL things through Christ, who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

1 Ebooks by Barbie Thomas

Barbie Thomas: God Made Us Extra Cool
God Made Us Extra Cool teaches children that God created each and every one of us differently! We are all unique! It even talks about various physical challenges that people have and how we should …