This book hails from decades of challenging trial-and-error work, abundant reading, and an enduring obligation to ministers, activists, and unsung lay heroes whose legacies matter. As there is little that actually addresses the elusive meanings, if not the dangers inherent in pursuing alleged spoils of ‘success, ‘ it is kairos time. Seemingly scarce resources and competition to make and maintain ministries in the city challenge those of us in the field, or on the sidelines, to speak, write, and communicate clearly, and convincingly–not only for ourselves and our ‘people, ‘ past and present, but for those who come along soon to receive the baton or wear the mantle.
Concretely narrated, with unique case studies, a cast of dozens contribute their earthy, earnest testimonies and are, at long last, energetically affirmed. Specifically, this work proffers constructive attention to the critical cautions concerning subtle temptations to ‘succeed, ‘ including: commodification, cooptation, communalism, clientelism, and cowardice–and, not bailing on fierce charity-justice tensions (with benevolence protectively dominant). Narrative analysis and biography-as-theology, social ethics, biblical theology, and recent church history give apt attention to how a compelling case is possible for success, if justice is practiced, given a hopeful realism and perspective of prophetic eschatology.
About the author
Barry K. Morris is a Canadian United Church minister of several cities and studied in Vancouver, Chicago, and Wales. He reviews for AAR’s Reading Religion and has contributed to and authored books on urban ministry or particular persons, including The Book of Rita’s Living; The Word on the Street; Hopeful Realism in Urban Ministry; and A Faithful Public-Prophetic Witness. Barry is a lifelong student of the Niebuhrs and a grateful reader of meditation/contemplation books, especially in the service of grounding social justice commitments.