Mick Carpenter is a Reader in Social Policy in the Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. He has researched and published widely in health and social policy, and since the late 1990s been engaged in collaborative research and evaluation of efforts to tackle poverty and exclusion in Coventry. Belinda Freda was Project Officer and researcher for SEQUAL project at the University of Surrey, investigating the exclusion, discrimination and employability of young people, refugee groups and discrimination and equality in the workplace. She now works at the University of Sussex. Stuart Speeden is Reader and Head of the Centre for Policy Studies at Edge Hill University. His wide ranging policy related work includes developing the Local Government Equality Standard for England and Wales, and evaluative research for the Commission for Racial Equality.
1 Ebooks by Belinda Freda
Mick Carpenter & Belinda Freda: Beyond the workfare state
Beyond the Workfare State explores equality, discrimination and human rights in relation to employability and ‘welfare-to-work’ policies. It draws extensively on new research from the SEQUAL Project, …