It is a perfect world. Happy. Efficient. Productive. Compliant. Jayden Carter is content to be a model citizen in this vision of utopia, a world where the state has total control.
Work is everything. Life has never been better.
But when Item 101 falls from the sky and into Jayden’s neat little backyard it brings the knowledge of another way of life. Item 101 has the power to change everything for Jayden’s society, and uncover the regime’s deepest, darkest secrets. It lands with an impact that shakes Jayden’s beliefs in the regime. If the impact were to be heard across the world it would rock society to its core.
Jayden holds a new and dangerous power in his hands. A power so seductive that could destroy the utopia he has worked so hard to maintain and unravel the very fabric of his society.
Does he expose the government’s darkest secrets, and release the secrets revealed by Item 101, secrets that the regime is oppressing? Or does Jayden withhold the revelations found in Item 101, denying his society the knowledge that could bring true happiness. Jayden knows he must keep the knowledge secret or risk triggering an uprising and invite the chaos its discovery will bring.
In this dystopian fiction novel we discover what is important to society, to an individual, and what it means to be alive.
Table of Content
Chapter 1: Conceptualization ………………………………1
Chapter 2: Powersource………………………………………9
Chapter 3: Divorce Bells Ringing……………………….16
Chapter 4: Like Stealing Candy From A Baby……….23
Chapter 5: Jared’s Journey………………………………….30
Chapter 6: We Interrupt This Programme To Bring You An Important Message From………………………35
Chapter 7: Area 51 …………………………………………..41
Chapter 8: Living A Day In A Utopian Paradise. …..47
Chapter 9: Earth-Shake……………………………………..57
Chapter 10: Secret’s Out? ………………………………….63
Chapter 11: A Living Nightmare?……………………….67
Chapter 12: Efficiency Awards……………………………72
Chapter 13: Business Meeting…………………………….77
Chapter 14: Secrets Revealed……………………………..80
Chapter 15: The Levikis ……………………………………89
Chapter 16: Meet Me Around The Back ……………..95
Chapter 17: A Snake In The Grass…………………….102
Chapter 18: Executive Authority ………………………108
Chapter 19: The Heart Knows Best ………………….. 113
Chapter 20: It’s Over………………………………………116
About the author
An experienced novelist who has written 4 published fictional books so far (and have edited many more).