Dr. theol., Dr. phil., habil. Bertram Schmitz ist Professor an der Universität Jena.
6 Ebooks by Benoit Bourgine
Martin Leiner & Susan Fläming: Latin America between Conflict and Reconciliation
In the last decades, many countries in Latin America underwent a transition from dictatorship to democracy. Truth commissions were an essential instrument of uncovering politically motivated crimes a …
Martin Leiner & Maria Palme: Societies in Transition
The second volume of the trans-disciplinary series ‘Research in Peace and Reconciliation’ looks at ways of dealing with the past in Sub-Saharan Africa in recent decades and highlights the variety of …
Phillip Tolliday & Maria Palme: Asia-Pacific between Conflict and Reconciliation
Asia, so often seen from a Eurocentric perspective as exotic, other and different, is now manifestly an economic and political powerhouse. Shaped by the West, it is now playing its part in shaping th …
Michael Trowitzsch & Martin Leiner: Karl Barths Theologie als europäisches Ereignis
Eine Übersetzung ins Englische, ins Französische, ins Ungarische – was macht sie aus dem Denken Karl Barths? Lassen sich die Differenzen, der andere Klang und die neue Färbung im Einzelnen beschreibe …
Benoît Bourgine & David Ongombe: Regards croisés sur Alfred North Whitehead
No detailed description available for ‘Regards croisés sur Alfred North Whitehead’. Das E-Book Regards croisés sur Alfred North Whitehead wird angeboten von De Gruyter und wurde mit folgenden Begriff …
Francesco Ferrari & Laura Villanueva: Transdisciplinary Approaches on Reconciliation Research
Reconciliation studies are concerned with the processes of rebuilding and improving damaged relationships after major wrongdoings. They focus on factors such as law, economics, and international rela …