Author: Bernard McGinn

Marsha L. Dutton is the executive editor of Cistercian Publications. Emeritus professor of English at Ohio University, she is the author of many articles and book chapters on a variety of Cistercian subjects. Dutton is also the editor of A Companion to Aelred of Rievaulx (1110–1167) (Brill, 2017), of four volumes of Aelred’s works in translation, and of “Aelred of Rievaulx” and (with Tyler Sergent) “The Cistercians” in the Oxford Bibliographies in Medieval Studies. Her sixteen presentations on Aelred for Schola Cisterciensis appear on You Tube.

9 Ebooks by Bernard McGinn

F. Tyler Sergent & Aage Rydstrøm-Poulsen: Unity of Spirit
William of Saint-Thierry (ca. 1080–1148) became abbot of the Benedictine abbey of Saint-Thierry in about 1119, holding that office for about sixteen years and writing a large number of works, some fo …
Bernard McGinn: Thomas Aquinas’s Summa theologiae
The life and times of the most important theological work of medieval Christendom This concise book tells the story of the most important theological work of the Middle Ages, the vast Summa theologia …
Bernard McGinn: Die Mystik im Abendland
Band 5 der auf sieben Bände angelegten Reihe ‘Die Mystik im Abendland’ nimmt die spätmittelalterliche mystische Literatur in drei weiteren volkssprachlichen Traditionsströmen in den Blick (die deutsc …
Bernard McGinn: Die Mystik im Abendland
Band 6/1 von Mc Ginns großer Mystikgeschichte behandelt die protestantische Mystik im Zeitraum von 1500 bis 1650. Ausführlich wird der Umgang Martin Luthers und Johannes Calvins mit der mystischen Tr …
Bernard McGinn: The Mystical Thought of Meister Eckhart
Centuries after his work as a preacher, philosopher, and spiritual guide, Meister Eckhart remains one of the most widely-read mystics of the Western tradition. Yet as he has come to be studied more c …
Bernard McGinn: The Renewal of Mystical Theology
The Renewal of Mystical Theology is a memorial volume of important, original essays honoring the life and work of the late John N. Jones. Jones was a major figure in the renewal of mystical theology …
Bernard McGinn: Early Christian Mystics
Bernard Mc Ginn’s The Presence of God series is one of the most respected histories of Christian mysticism in print today. In this new book, Bernard and Patricia Mc Ginn draw from the series to take …
Professor Moshe Idel & Bernard McGinn: Mystical Union in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Mystics who have spoken of their union with God have come under suspicion in all three major religious traditions, sometimes to the point of condemnation and execution in the case of Christianity and …
Bernard McGinn: The Great Cistercian Mystics
The Great Cistercian Mystics is an in-depth analysis of the mystical theology of the major Cistercian mystics of the 12th century, Bernard of Clairvaux, William of Saint-Thierry, Guerric of Igny, Isa …